
现居住地: 恩格尔伍德,N.J.

在大学毕业后的头七年里, 我从事零售管理工作, 大部分花在百货公司A & S在长岛. Working in retail management gave me the opportunity to learn new business skills, 与商店和公司高层沟通, 与消费者互动. Just prior to shifting my career to financial services and insurance I was a retail store manager for J.C. Penney. I earned my Series 6 financial license in 1983 and embarked on a financial services/insurance career with John Hancock. 我在纽约州皇后区的约翰·汉考克公司工作了15年.Y., 我获得了LUTCF的称号, 多次俱乐部荣誉奖项, 成为一名经理,并因担任工会管家而得到认可. 1998年,我加入了位于纽约州花园城的嘉德人寿保险公司.Y. 我在那里工作,直到2001年初健康问题迫使我退休.

What are your overall highlight(s) and/or life achievements since graduating?
In October 1981 I married my long-time girlfriend and 主要研究 classmate, Lori Holliday. 我们的第一个女儿阿丽莎出生于1992年. She is a recent Cornell University graduate working in the marketing field for global CPG giant, 联合利华. 1994年,我们的第二个女儿林赛加入了我们的家庭. She is currently a junior at Quinnipiac University majoring in marketing and very active in student government. When my daughters were very young I became actively involved in youth sports, 教小联盟棒球,后来教教区学校篮球, which I still do as director of the basketball program at my daughters' former Catholic elementary school. We have an award-winning program and I am especially proud of the 2014 fifth- and sixth-grade girls' team I coached to an undefeated league record of 23 wins and no losses. 尽管我的健康有问题, I've enjoyed dedicating 15 years to youth sports and was humbled to be acknowledged with the prestigious Bishop Francis Award for volunteerism by the Archdiocese of Newark several years ago.

当你在主要研究就读时,你在校园里都参与了哪些活动? 你在永利app新版本官网地址学习期间取得了哪些成就, 也是永利app新版本官网地址黑人学生的先驱?
I was primarily involved with the Black Student Union during my time at 主要研究.

One of my favorite memories is 主要研究 orientation where I met my roommate, Michael Chisholm. 45年来,我们一直是一辈子的朋友. Through our days as 主要研究 students and as adults we have always been there for each other. 整体, 我最喜欢的记忆集中在我在主要研究遇到的所有人, 他们中的许多人仍然是老朋友.

I think the most unique experience I had at 主要研究 was in 1974 when Pepsi called the 主要研究 radio station to speak with Michael Chisholm, 当时是谁在主持夜间灵魂秀, asking if he could help them recruit black students for a TV commercial they would be filming. We shot the commercial in North Conway and it was a kick to see ourselves on national TV.

Who were your role models and/or mentors while here at 主要研究, and how did they impact your life?
我有一个很棒的导师——他年轻又有风度. He really helped ground me, guiding my choice of majors and course selection for three years. My most influential role models were some of the black upper classmen who preceded me to 主要研究. 我崇拜大卫·彭伯顿、拉里·伍兹和约翰·莱曼等人. I admired their confidence and their comfort level being in a predominantly white environment. 他们的态度给了我成功的希望.

你对纽约大学的有色人种学生有什么建议, 或者有同学, 基于你在主要研究学到的东西, 以及你从大学毕业后的生活中学到了什么?
我对在读学生的建议是要适应环境. Life does not always go according to plan and the more flexible people can be the more likely that they will persevere and overcome obstacles and adversity. 不要担心犯错——犯错往往会带来巨大的成功. I also strongly believe that students should try to get as much exposure to a broad array of classes and subjects as they can before declaring a major in order to truly get a feel for what they want to do with their lives. It's challenging to know what you want to spend the rest of your life doing at 18 years old.