《永利app新版本官网地址》 names UNH-IOL主任埃里卡·约翰逊说 an outstanding woman in business


联合国大学互操作性实验室 director Erica Johnson will receive an Outstanding Women in Business award from 《永利app新版本官网地址》. 摄影:迈克·罗斯.

这种区别不会让任何见过面的人感到惊讶 联合国大学互操作性实验室 导演埃里卡·约翰逊:下周, 《永利app新版本官网地址》 (NHBR) will honor her with its Outstanding Women in Business award. 她是该年度奖项的六位获奖者之一.

约翰逊领导了UNH-IOL, one of the nation’s leading independent proving grounds for new technologies, since 2007. Her thought leadership and industry guidance has helped make the UNH-IOL the innovative leader of third-party testing services.


“人工晶状体每天所做的工作令人印象深刻, but Erica’s leadership and guidance of the IOL is worthy of special recognition. She’s a global leader in the field and an excellent role model for us all,” says Marc Sedam, associate vice provost for innovation and new ventures at UNH, who nominated Johnson.

Interoperability — how systems work together to share data — is like giving your friend a high-five, Johnson says when she does demonstrations for groups of middle school students. “There’s an unwritten rule that you’re both going to put out your hand. Interoperability is what ensures one of you doesn’t stick your foot out instead.”

Johnson has won acclaim for her business smarts and deep understanding of complex computer networking technology, 这两项技能都是在联合国大学培养出来的. Johnson’s B.S. is in computer science from UNH, and in 2011 she received her MBA from Paul College. She began working at UNH-IOL like so many of the lab’s employees, as an undergraduate student. More than 100 UNH undergraduate and graduate student employees work at the UNH-IOL, gaining hands-on experience with developing technologies and products — as well as job offers, 许多人在毕业前就获得了奖学金.

More than 100 undergraduate and graduate student employees work at the UNH-IOL. 丽莎·纽金特摄.

约翰逊对行业荣誉并不陌生. The publication Fierce Telecom named her to its 2011 Women in Wireline list, and IEEE Communications Magazine appointed her co-editor of its network testing series in 2010. Johnson received the UNH Women’s Commission Stephanie Thomas Staff Award in 2010. She was recently named the Open Networking Foundation Testing Leadership Council chair and is the co-chair of the IPv6 Forum’s IPv6 Ready Logo Program.

去年12月,约翰逊负责监督UNH-IOL move from the west edge of campus to its new Madbury Commons facility in downtown Durham.

约翰逊将于2月6日(星期二)获此殊荣. 9, 2016 at NHBR’s 杰出商界女性颁奖典礼 在贝德福德,她的侧写将在二月. 19 issue of NHBR.