Wednesday, October 4, 2017

在追逐, 议员们戴上3D眼镜,观看海洋深处洋流的可视化画面,以及它们是如何将类似石油泄漏的东西分散到深海的. 从左到右:代表. Linda Gould, Bedford; Rep. Michael Vose, Epping; Rep. Jacqueline Cali-Pitts, Portsmouth; Rep. Timothy Horrigan, Durham; and research assistant professor Thomas Butkiewicz of the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping (seated). Hidden from view are Rep. Patty Lovejoy, Stratham and Rep. John Fothergill, Colebrook. (Photo: Tom Cronin)

一群新罕布什尔州的议员于10月9日参观了达勒姆校区. 3 for a research tour. 该小组探索了一些主要研究最具创新性和高影响力的研究中心和实验室, including 主要研究Innovation, 它致力于将企业和企业家与研究联系起来, experts and talent across the university. The group also stopped at the Chase Ocean Engineering Lab, which recently opened a 12,000-square-foot addition with new labs and equipment, 并在金斯伯里大厅了解气候适应性基础设施和雨水的研究. The day concluded with an event honoring J. Brent Loy, professor of plant biology and genetics, for his 贡献 to 50 years of research at 主要研究.