
北极山海上写着“北极正在融化”. 是时候恐慌了吗?"

北极正在融化. 是时候恐慌了吗?

That’s what a panel of international researchers, including UNH's Larry Mayer and Nancy Kinner,将于4月9日星期二下午4点讨论.m. in Huddleston Hall. The seminar, 哪个是免费向公众开放的, will address how scientists and the public can confront the challenges and opportunities of Arctic change.

Public perception and news media coverage have recently caught up with what scientists have known for decades: The Arctic is warming much faster than the rest of the planet. 在这个小组中,来自美国的北极研究人员.S., Sweden and Japan will share their firsthand experiences with Arctic change. How have each of these researchers experienced Arctic change in their own fields? 海冰融化意味着什么, glacier calving or thawing permafrost are they most concerned about? What challenges and opportunities do these unprecedented changes present to communities living and working in the Arctic?

Inuit Elders. 图片由Katie Orlinsky为彭博商业周刊提供.


  • Larry Mayer, director of UNH’s Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping and 海洋科学与海洋工程学院
  • Miyase Christensen, professor of media and communication studies 在斯德哥尔摩大学
  • Niklas Eklund尤梅夫大学政治学副教授
  • Nina Kirchner, director of research at the Bolin Centre for Climate Research and associate professor of glaciology, 在斯德哥尔摩大学
  • Hideaki Murayama, professor at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo
  • Nancy Kinner, professor of civil and environmental engineering and director of UNH’s Coastal Response Research Center, moderator

“This panel will engage the audience to consider how we can all help ensure sustainable development of the New Arctic.”

小组成员都是 北极科学整合探索(ASIAQ), 一个联合六所大学(UNH)的项目, 瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学, 于默奥大学和皇家工学院, University of Tokyo and NARFU in Russia) in a joint endeavor to advance research and education for a sustainable Arctic. 本次研讨会为期两天 ASIAQ workshop hosted at UNH.

“Ultimately, we need to understand both the local and global impacts of Arctic change, 包括它如何影响我们自己的社区, 无论是在新罕布什尔州, 斯德哥尔摩还是东京,杰西卡·埃纳科维奇说, assistant professor of natural resources and the environment at UNH and an ASIAQ member. “This panel will engage the audience to consider how we can all help ensure sustainable development of the New Arctic.”

本次活动由 ASIAQ 以及斯德哥尔摩大学 联合国大学海洋科学与海洋工程学院 以及新英格兰北极网络.