主要研究 employee wins international award for Gulf of Maine stewardship



Abigail Lyon '12 '15G is being recognized as a tireless advocate for clean water in the Gulf of Maine.

Lyon, who serves as the community technical assistance program manager for the 皮斯卡塔瓜地区河口伙伴关系 (准备), has received the 2019 Visionary Award from the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. 这个年度奖项, which honors innovation and commitment to protecting the Gulf of Maine, is bestowed upon two individuals or organizations from each state and Canadian province within the council’s international jurisdiction. Lyon and other award recipients attended the ceremony on July 10 in Hubbards, Nova Scotia.

"We are incredibly proud of Abigail's vision and achievements in addressing the region's most pressing water quality and environmental issues,瑞秋·鲁拉德说, PREP主任, 哪个是 联合国大学海洋科学与海洋工程学院. “Her dedication as a PREP staff member and to our numerous partners in both New Hampshire and Maine is unwavering and has resulted in successful implementation of priority programs in biological monitoring, 市政条例采纳, 利益相关者的参与和教育. We are so pleased that the Gulf of Maine Council recognized her exceptional work with this prestigious award."

作为她PREP工作的一部分, Lyon works closely with municipal leaders to help them improve local regulations and land-use decisions and coordinates various beach and shoreline cleanup efforts with volunteers. She helps to organize and manage various PREP projects that offer technical assistance to empower town board members who need to make decisions that impact the Piscataqua Region’s watershed, 包括大海湾, 汉普顿-西布鲁克河口和缅因湾. 里昂还在新罕布什尔州海岸适应工作组任职, a collaborative organization dedicated to assisting coastal communities in preparing for extreme weather and climate change effects.

“我很荣幸能获得远见卓识奖, particularly with such an outstanding group of recipients from across the Gulf of Maine region,里昂说. 这是值得注意的, 太, that the efforts I was recognized for would not have been possible without the other environmental champions I’ve had the pleasure to work — and play — with over the years. Thank you to those who work with me in the trenches and champion these issues."