Students have 24-hour session on voting issues

Tuesday, March 10, 2020
students at the ECenter during the hackathon

Even though she’s a computer science major, Mallorie Biron ’20 had never participated in a 24-hour hackathon. But when she signed on for this year’s (the third) Hack NH, she found out that majors don’t matter; the hackathon is open to UNH students from all colleges.

Hack NH由UNH的互操作性实验室(IOL)主办,由Peter T. Paul Entrepreneurship Center, commonly referred to as the ECenter. IOL是世界知名的数据和网络通信产品测试机构,拥有100多名UNH学生.

A total of nine teams participated. A panel of judges consisting of industry members, 教职员工将黑客评为最佳工作产品, best business plan and best creative impact. Prize amounts totaled $1,500.

“I had participated in a weeklong hackathon at the lab twice before, but a week is a lot longer than 24 hours,” Biron says. “我和朋友们一起创造了一些东西,我们能够从彼此身上学到新的东西. 在课堂之外做一个项目也是一个很好的经历.”

During the 24-hour event, held Feb. 22-23日,学生们通过创新的解决方案共同努力解决问题. In a nod to the New Hampshire primary, 今年的挑战要求学生们找到方法,帮助国家变得更安全或更可持续,同时巩固年轻选民的兴趣,并衡量创造性的解决方案,以改善投票实践. 会议强调的问题包括需要解决选民投票率低等问题, lack of informed voters and voter fraud. 解决方案包括在线投票系统、面部识别软件和拼车应用.

A total of nine teams participated. A panel of judges consisting of industry members, 教职员工将黑客评为最佳工作产品, best business plan and best creative impact. Prize amounts totaled $1,500.

New Hampshire’s Liberty Mutual, Bottomline Technologies和Arista Networks连续第二年主办了该活动. 30多名大一到大四的本科生代表工程与物理科学学院, 保罗学院和健康与人类服务学院参与了这项研究.

"This was my third year doing the hackathon,” says Spencer Couture, ‘20, also a computer science major. “这是一个坐下来真正探索你一直想尝试但从未有机会的概念和框架的好方法. The environment is always very supportive and open, 所以你不会感到完成一个项目的任何外部压力——除了你给自己施加的压力. 它很有趣,我会把它推荐给任何有空闲周末的人."

Participating students included:

Sean Kohlbrenner, Taylor Roy: Ranked Choice NH, a web app simulation to educate voters on the candidates

Caleb Peffer, William Tu, Nick Camara, Benjamin Whitehead: TriVote, 一个手机游戏,鼓励和教育选民的问题和候选人

Hassan Al-Jewad, Naomi Schneider, Shania Robinson, Jacob Uren: E-Lection, 这是一款应用程序,旨在通过使用在线注册选民系统,为那些“忙得没时间投票”的人增加投票

Matthew DiBiase, Heidi Simoneau: FacingFraud, 面部识别软件,以消除选民欺诈缺席选票和虚假选民登记

Nick Kahn, Cornelis Plomp, Sean Smith, Brendan Crowe: Iowa Caucus Software Team, 一个低成本的软件包,旨在给“小”候选人一个想法,他们是如何在各个社区的青睐或认可.

Jessica Nelson, TJ Evarts: TruCount, 这是一个免费的应用程序,旨在通过使用一个亲自登记系统来消除选民欺诈,该系统给选民一个QR码,让他们在投票站使用.

Spencer Couture, Tommy Cranmer, Daniel Kirichok, Rachel Martinez: Tommy 3.0是一个在线选民登记网站,旨在帮助简化新选民的登记程序.

Mallorie Biron, Connor Lennox: BallotBus, 这个想法旨在通过使用拼车应用程序来帮助低投票率, integrated with Google Maps and created using Python, to get people to the polls if they don’t have a ride.

Eric Ciarla, Elijah Johnson, Daniel Mattson, Eric Tseng: Team xid, a web extension created using the fakebox API, 查看网站并提供“信任因素”评级,以确保你阅读的新闻是真实的或实质性的.



Tyler Wentworth | Career and Professional Success |