

Four hundred chairs are set up at the Whittemore Center where the New Hampshire 众议院 is meeting due to the coronavirus.

这是南北战争以来的第一次, the New Hampshire 众议院 will be meeting outside the State House when it convenes a session on June 11 at The Whittemore Center, one of the few indoor arenas in the state large enough to host the 400 lawmakers and provide healthy social distancing required due to the coronavirus.

“我们考虑了几种选择, and I really liked the idea of hosting it at the state’s largest public university,史蒂夫·肖特列夫说, 众议院议长. “With 主要研究 being a land grant college and everything that all the schools in the University System of New Hampshire have done for our state, I think it’s great that we’re able to hold the session at The Whit.”

这次会议是前所未有的远离康科德的一步. 建于1819年, New Hampshire’s State House is the oldest in the country in which the legislature still meets in its original chambers. 到1860年代, House membership had grown from 194 when the State House opened to 340, and lawmakers approved plans to renovate and expand the old State House. 随着建设的进行, the Legislature convened at the Merrimack County Court House in Concord for the 1864 session. It was the only other time in the State House’s 201-year history that lawmakers met anywhere else.

这次会议是前所未有的远离康科德的一步. 建于1819年, New Hampshire’s State House is the oldest in the country in which the legislature still meets in its original chambers.

Shurtleff said while some lawmakers were reluctant to meet outside of Concord, most understood the need to meet in person and in a space that allows for safe social distancing. 与6,500个座位, 怀特号被证明是一个理想的选择, 他还赞扬了该校为这次会议提供的便利.

Gathering lawmakers while keeping them each 6 feet apart presents a unique challenge for the Granite State. 新罕布什尔州拥有全国最大的州立法机构, 也是世界上最大的立法机构之一, 源自英国、印度和美国的下议院.S. 众议院.

当他们到达怀特酒店时, 众议院议员的入座时间将比平时稍长一些, since members will have their temperatures taken and be issued N95 face masks before they are allowed inside.

“I am so impressed and grateful to the University System and to 主要研究 for being incredible to work with throughout this process,沙特尔夫说, 和州议会有终身联系的人. 沙特尔夫在康科德长大, delivered newspapers in the neighborhood and was a Concord police officer who patrolled a walking beat downtown and around the State House area.

而一些立法活动, 包括委员会和委员会会议, 远程恢复工作, we understand it is important for the Legislature to resume session to complete the work that the people of New Hampshire elected us to do as well as provide important checks and balances to the state government during this crisis,Shurtleff和参议院主席Donna Soucy写道, 民主党, 在一份联合声明中.

Each representative will be given a 主要研究 tote bag containing the printed materials for the session, 预计会持续一整天, 他们还会投票支持掌上数字平板电脑.

11号th 六月,我们都要成为野猫队了,”沙特尔夫说.

杰里米Gasowski | 主要研究营销 | 杰里米.gasowski@femdomcenter.com | 603-862-4465