
This April marks the 20th official Sexual Assault Awareness Month, 尽管活动人士一直在努力提高人们对这一问题的认识,但时间更长. 为什么我们要关注意识? 为什么普通人更多地了解性侵犯和人际暴力问题很重要? 从本质上讲,意识是如此重要,因为性暴力不是存在于真空中. 任何人都可能受到影响, and there is a cultural component contributing not only to the violence, 还有人们对它的反应. 如果我们想防止性侵犯, then the general public needs adequate and accurate information.

提高对性暴力认识的另一个重要方面是向人们提供信息,使他们能够以更富有同情心和支持性的方式对待幸存者. 许多幸存者在受到伤害对待他们的个人和制度的攻击后遭受了额外的伤害, 羞辱, 或者轻蔑的方式. 即使是善意的人也可能不知道帮助幸存者的合适方法.

另外, widely available and accurate information about sexual assault, 同意, and available resources eases the burden on survivors. 那些接触过这类信息的人,无论选择何种方式,都能更好地开始治疗. Survivors of sexual violence often feel isolated and ashamed. If they are more aware of the prevalence of sexual violence, 听听其他幸存者的故事, 他们可以知道他们并不孤单. 他们可以从幸存者社区汲取力量,从性侵犯后正在康复的其他人的经历中学习.

However, simply knowing that sexual assault is an issue is one thing. 采取行动是另一回事. 你如何采取行动? 以下是一些建议.



Being informed is an ongoing journey, and there is always more to learn. You've already taken a good step by reading this article! 你可以读书, 看纪录片, 收听讨论性暴力的播客(尤其是那些以幸存者的声音为中心的). 有关阅读建议,请查看夏普的 Goodreads架子上. 也, follow SHARPP and related organizations on social media, 阅读相关的博客和新闻文章. 的 SHARPP网页 如果你想阅读更多永利app新版本官网地址这个主题的内容,这是一个很好的起点吗. Remember to get your information from a diverse set of sources. 有色人种幸存者, 奇怪的幸存者, 禁用的幸存者, 拥有其他边缘化身份的幸存者都对这场对话做出了重要贡献,不应被忽视. 学习这些主题可能是紧张的,某些资源可能会触发一些人. Be sure to take care of yourself and recognize your own capacity.


As you become more knowledgeable about the reality of sexual assault, you can also put your knowledge about 同意 into practice, 在你生活的各个方面. While 同意 is often brought up in the context of sexual situations, this is not the only context in which it is relevant. 你可以通过询问和尊重别人的界限来练习同意, 无论是身体上的, 情感, 或以其他方式. 例如, you might ask before hugging someone. 或者你可以通过确保和你谈话的人都能讨论这个话题来开始一场激烈的或潜在的引发话题的谈话.


不幸的是,永利app新版本官网地址性暴力和幸存者的错误信息和误解在当今世界很常见. You can challenge these myths whenever you encounter them. 这可以简单地说, 这听起来不对,并向对方指出一个可靠的资源来纠正他们的误解. 或者它可能涉及到说, “这一点都不好笑," to a joke which belittles the seriousness of sexual violence. It only takes one person to challenge an inconsiderate remark. You might even be making others in the room feel safer as a result.


最后,你可以参与行动主义,让你周围的世界对幸存者更公平. This could be at a global, national, or state level. 然而,它也可以很容易地在一个社区,如城镇、学校或工作场所. While dedicating much time and effort to such a cause is wonderful, you don't have to be engaging at such a level to help. 有时, 行动主义可以很简单,就是利用你在社区中的地位来实现微小的改变. 例如, 你可以鼓励更多永利app新版本官网地址性暴力的教育, or perhaps the implementation of trauma-informed practices.


支持性暴力幸存者的一种方法是支持那些可能向你透露自己经历的幸存者. 尽管对很多人来说很难想象一个深爱的人会经历这种暴力, 这比许多人意识到的可能性更大. 当幸存者透露, 他们主要选择告诉亲近的人(不管是朋友), 家庭成员, 或所爱的人). 学习如何恭敬地回应性暴力的披露,可以对幸存者的生活产生重大影响. 最重要的是,你要相信他们,不加评判地倾听,尊重他们的决定. For more details on how to support a survivor, visit SHARPP's page on 帮助朋友.

Remember, these are just a few suggestions; you may find only some of these are achievable for you. Or maybe you have your own unique ways to help! 意识是一个持续的过程,开始学习永远不会太晚.