主要研究 research finds several ways that animals survive climate change


随着气候变化不断引发气温上升, 增加干燥条件,改变降水模式, adapting to new conditions will be critical for the long-term survival of most species. 研究ers at the University of New Hampshire found that to live in hotter more desert-like surroundings, 没有水也能生存, there is more than one genetic mechanism allowing animals to adapt. This is important not only for their survival but may also provide important biomedical groundwork to develop gene therapies to treat human dehydration related illnesses, 比如肾病.

引用一个熟悉的短语, 它告诉我们烘焙蛋糕的方法不止一种,乔斯林·科莱拉说, 进化生物学博士后研究员. 换句话说, there are several ways for animals to adapt to desert conditions and discovering this genetic flexibility offers a silver lining to all species that will increasingly be forced to acclimate to hotter, 干燥机设置.”

在他们的 研究, 最近发表在《永利app新版本官网地址》上, researchers compared the genetic mechanisms of three species of mice found in warm and dry areas; the cactus and canyon mice, 两者都主要分布在沙漠栖息地, 以及北美鹿鼠, 在更冷的地方也能找到吗, 美国北部潮湿的气候. The researchers hypothesized that similar genes in each species would be critical to survive in desert environments. 他们发现每个物种使用不同的机制, meaning different genes and functions allowing for the same adaptation. One species adapted through mutational genetic changes over time and another used changes in gene expression which can occur more quickly and may be the more efficient evolutionary route.

“We were excited by the findings because if our research had only found one gene that was critical to adapting to warmer, drier conditions it would suggest that it would be challenging for other animals to respond to climate change, but our work says there are multiple evolutionary options that enable desert survival,科莱拉说。.

The findings could also provide foundational information for biomedical research in developing gene therapies for human kidney disease.

“因为老鼠在生理上与人类相似, this type of evolutionary work offers important first steps toward identifying and understanding genes that control complex traits like dehydration, 哪些会损害人体肾脏导致终身, 不可挽回的伤害,马特·麦克马尼斯说, 基因组生物学副教授.

Each year millions of people die of dehydration related illness around the world. Experts say even minor dehydration can compromise the kidneys causing lifelong issues.

This work was funded by the National Institute of 健康 National Institute of General Medical Sciences to M.D.M. (1 r35gm128843).