

特拉维斯·菲舍尔21岁了. 特别是对癌症等疾病的研究. He wants to help stop them from devastating people’s lives by working to develop new therapies and possibly be among those researchers looking for a cure.

A 生物化学,分子和细胞生物学 major, Fischer started doing research at 主要研究 during the spring semester of his freshman year. 他将在明年秋天攻读博士学位时继续这条道路.D. 她在爱荷华大学攻读生物医学科学专业.

“What interests me about research is the ability to discover something that no one else in the history of the world has ever seen before,费舍尔说。. “当我完成一个实验, there is a brief period of time before I show it to my PI where the number of people who know what I know is one, 这让我很着迷.” 

Fischer decided on his major because he wanted to “better understand the complexities of life at a molecular and cellular level.” A comprehensive understanding of how cells function at a genetic and molecular level is important to the study of disease formation and treatment, 这位新罕布什尔州人说.

“当我完成一个实验, there is a brief period of time before I show it to my PI where the number of people who know what I know is one, 这让我很着迷.” 

He chose 主要研究 because of the unique opportunity to conduct research early in his academic career, 知道他希望这是他的未来. 从第一年开始, 他曾在Sherine Elsawa副教授的实验室工作, where the main focus is on developing novel therapies for cancer patients by better understanding the role of the tumor microenvironment.

“这个实验室研究淋巴瘤, 或者淋巴系统的癌症, and my research deals with a B cell malignancy called Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia, 一种罕见的血癌. I am looking at the tumor microenvironment's role in this malignancy and how an anticancer drug called pacritinib affects the cancer as well as the bone marrow microenvironment,费舍尔说。.

作为一名一年级的学生 主要研究荣誉计划,他收到了一封 研究经验和学徒计划 (REAP) summer fellowship that allowed him to conduct his own independent research project.

“It was an amazing opportunity to get first-hand experience in the field I want to make my career,费舍尔说。, 添加, “我在主要研究的经历非常积极.”

在他任职期间, 菲舍尔参加了社交和学术俱乐部, 包括“猫帮队长”, which he describes as a “good stress reliever because the whole purpose is to go to sporting events and shout.他也是Alpha Chi Sigma的成员, the professional chemistry fraternity where he is “surrounded by like-minded science nerds who all want to drive the advancement of the sciences.“他做了两年的住校助理.

费舍尔大约八年前开始学习跆拳道. 只上了两节课, 他知道, 比如他对研究的热情, 这是他想继续做的事情. 所以他一直坚持到拿到黑带.

“I enjoyed the community of people I trained with and I enjoyed learning forms and different styles. Having the goal of becoming a black belt drove me to train harder,” he says. “这是我以前从未做过的事情,我喜欢它.”   


“I love the research I do specifically on cancer because of its potential real-world applications where it can help people who are suffering from these terrible diseases,费舍尔说。. “我还没有完全决定毕业后要做什么, but I am leaning more towards academia because of the freedom to continuing to do research.” 




杰里米Gasowski | 主要研究营销 | 杰里米.gasowski@femdomcenter.com | 603-862-4465