宣布2021-2022 Sidore系列讲座

Friday, July 30, 2021
elderly woman with eyes closed

Photo by Danie Franco on Unsplash

The COVID-19 pandemic has once again revealed to the broader population that while we are all aging and older adults are core members of our communities, 老年人还面临着重大的社会和健康差异. In the U.S., aging is often seen not as something to honor and revere but as something to fight and avoid. 这种不愿接受衰老的文化, and failure to see diversity and different needs of older adults has resulted in structures and systems that do not adequately support people as they age nor their families and caregivers. This leaves older adults, family systems and our communities multiply vulnerable. For many older people of color, LGBTQ older adults, and others, these barriers are heightened by disadvantages accumulated across a lifetime, 例如与种族有关的不平等, 社会经济和教育状况. 本系列讲座旨在探讨这些差异, which are woven into the current fabric of our society and spark considerations for new systems — ones designed to honor, 庆祝和照顾我们的老年人. 

The 2021–2022 Saul O Sidore Memorial Lecture Series, “Aging in America: Justice for All?,将探讨美国人口结构的变化.S. and how long-standing age-related biases in our society affect our health and well-being, with the aim to broaden our understanding and awareness of agism as it intersects with racism, gender, sexuality and class. It will also celebrate the diversity of older adults and how attention to aging and disability can innovate and improve how we design, 居住和发展更可持续的社区. Speakers in the series will aim to stimulate conversations among the UNH and broader communities about the roles we each play in creating the environment we want to age in— now and in the future. In this vein, our sessions include both keynote speakers and community-based panel sessions with area older adults, 政府和私人服务提供商, and others. 由此产生的对话将努力赋予个人权力, UNH and the greater community to capitalize on the positive aspects of aging and build person-centered systems and communities that support all of us as we age.

Proposed sessions include:

  • 美国的老龄化:我们都在一起(2021年10月)
  • 看护:荣誉与负担、贡献与影响(2021年11月)
  • 老龄化到位:黑人视角(2022年2月)
  • Engineering for Humanity: Design, Accessibility and Intergenerational Partnerships (March 2022)
  • LGBTQIA+: The Social Injustice of Being Forced Back in the Closet (April 2022)
  • 2019冠状病毒病期间,老年人假释活动重新点燃(2022年4月)
  • Co-sponsored Phi Beta Kappa Distinguished Guest Lecture: Building a World that Includes Disability (tba)

加入我们的互动讨论吧, which will also include live graphic illustration and mapping of our collective conversation. 会议将于2021年10月开始,持续到2022年4月. 更多细节将在网站上公布 Sidore Series webpage. 我们将遵守Covid-19协议. 10月和11月的会议将以虚拟方式举行.

这个系列由凯西·戈洛姆斯基组织, associate professor of anthropology; Allison Wilder, faculty fellow, 老龄与社区生活研究中心副教授, UNH Department of Recreation Management and Policy; Laura Davie, co-director, UNH Center on Aging and Community Living and UNH Institute for Health Policy and Practice director of long term care and aging; Jennifer Rabalais, co-director, UNH Center on Aging and Community Living and UNH Institute on Disability project director; Allyson Ryder, assistant director, UNH Office of Community, Equity and Diversity; and Kate Crary, project director, UNH Institute for Health Policy and Practice and Center on Aging and Community Living.

The Saul O Sidore Memorial Lecture Series was established in 1965 in memory of Saul O Sidore of Manchester, New Hampshire. The purpose of the series is to offer the University community and the state of New Hampshire programs that raise critical and sometimes controversial issues facing our society. The University of New Hampshire Center for the Humanities sponsors the programs.