


主要研究's Living Bridge Project Explores Tidal Energy on the Piscataqua River beneath Memorial Bridge.

Anyone who’s swum, surfed or boated in the ocean has felt the power of its tides and waves. 现在,有了来自美国的主要资助.S. 能源部, 主要研究 researchers will launch a research center that seeks to harness that power as a major source of renewable energy.

新大西洋海洋能源中心(AMEC), 由联合国大学牵头,与几所东海岸大学合作, 获得了9美元的奖金.从那以后的4年里 U.S. 美国能源部(DOE). The center will focus on research and development to address ongoing needs for sustainable renewable ocean energy. It will be one of only four National Marine Renewable Energy Centers (NMREC) in the country.

“This is an exciting opportunity to expand on existing research and advance new technologies in a rapidly evolving field,” 马丁Wosnik, associate professor of mechanical engineering and AMEC director and principal investigator. “We’re looking forward to working with our partners on new solutions for marine energy, building upon current projects and implementing vital laboratory capabilities and open water testing sites for future advancements.”

“This is an exciting opportunity to expand on existing research and advance new technologies in a rapidly evolving field.”

AMEC将是一个包括主要研究在内的学术机构联盟, 石溪大学, 里海大学和海岸研究所, 是由东卡罗莱纳大学管理的. 相互合作, 以及其他几个重要的能源合作伙伴, researchers and engineers will work to further ocean energy technology through research, 教育及外展, 补充正在进行的工作 美国能源部国家实验室. The applications developed by the partners will help power the “blue economy” — an emerging concept that encourages better use of the ocean as a resource while reducing environmental harm.

来自各机构的科学家和工程师, 包括教职员工和学生, 会在野外工作吗, the laboratory or computationally to study and implement ocean energy projects. The focus will be on the scientific understanding and overall effectiveness of wave energy and tidal energy conversion, 包括波浪动力水泵和潮汐涡轮农场. 交叉研究将探索海洋传感的应用, 水产养殖, 弹性沿海社区, 供应链, 海洋基础和海洋微电网.

现有项目的扩展将包括主要研究项目 生活桥项目, 位于朴茨茅斯的皮斯卡塔夸河上, which provides tidal energy to the iconic Memorial Bridge between New Hampshire and Maine. 研究ers will pursue accreditation for the project to become a scaled test site for tidal energy. 海岸研究所的珍妮特码头项目, 位于北卡罗来纳州的外滩, 会否发展为经认可的, 专门用于波浪能的缩放测试场地.

“Being selected for this DOE award is a testament to the continued accomplishments and innovations of 主要研究’s scientists and engineers,黛安·福斯特说, 主要研究的主任 海洋科学与海洋工程学院. “It recognizes the achievements made at our state-of-the-art facilities, 很容易到达缅因湾, and has put 主要研究 at the forefront of marine energy research for over a decade.”

Along with the partner universities, AMEC will also collaborate with the 国家可再生能源实验室, 桑迪亚国家实验室, 太平洋西北国家实验室欧洲海洋能源中心和老道明大学.

这项研究将由美国能源部资助 能源效率和可再生能源办公室 (EERE) under the Water Power Technologies Office (WPTO) Award Number DE-EE0009450.


杰里米Gasowski | 主要研究营销 | 杰里米.gasowski@femdomcenter.com | 603-862-4465