Tuesday, November 23, 2021
USB cord

You should be wary of using communal phone charging stations featuring USB outlets.

Hey Wildcats!

I’d like to briefly introduce myself as this is my first blog post for SHARPP (yay!). 我叫Ava Courduvelis,现在是UNH的大三学生. I am majoring in neuroscience and behavior as well as minoring in Spanish. 这是我在SHARPP的第二个学期. 上学期我在SHARPP的角色是社区教育者. At SHARPP, community educators contribute to outreach and education for the UNH community by focusing on interpersonal violence prevention. 这个学期,我在夏普承担了一个额外的角色. 我现在也是新的营销和沟通助理! What this means is that you will see me on here posting new blog posts every now and then.

Now that I have introduced myself, let’s dive into what I wanted to talk about for this post. I’ll start off by asking a question – have you ever seen communal phone chargers at your local mall, airport or even in your Uber? 接下来的问题是,你用过这些充电器吗? 如果你对后续问题的回答是肯定的, you may want to continue reading to find out why that may not be such a good idea.

想象一下:你在公共场合,你的手机电量很低. You want to be able to check your texts, Snapchat your friend back and watch the daily Tik Tok or two that your roommate sends you. How can you possibly do all those things when your phone is about to die? Well, you can’t, at least not for long. 所以,你唯一能做的就是避免使用手机. Bummer. 我们都知道这需要很强的自制力. 突然,你注意到免费充电站就在你面前. What a miracle! Wrong. You probably shouldn’t use it ...  a simple plug-in to that charger may cause irreversible breaching of your personal data. This is what is known as juice jacking.

有人可能会问,“一个USB怎么能偷走我的信息??” The answer is actually quite simple. A hacker will first use a USB to place malware (malicious software) designed to hack your device onto a public charging station. Then, when you plug your device in to the charging kiosk you become vulnerable to the hacking as you are directly connected to it by a USB. 当你连接设备时,可能会发生两件事. First, 您的个人信息,如银行号码, photos, passwords and more could be stolen through the USB and sucked into the hacker’s hub. The second thing that could happen is that malware could be installed onto your device. 如果你的设备上安装了恶意软件, then even after you unplug it, it is still being compromised. Your location, calls and texts could be monitored in real time by the hacker. There is even malware that can clone the data from your device onto another device, 也就是说黑客甚至可以冒充你. It is important to know that a USB cable is more than a charger, as it is also used to sync data. 这就是使上述一切成为可能的原因.

那么你怎么知道充电站是否会给你充电呢? The short answer is you can’t tell. However, if while using the charger you notice that your phone starts opening pop-ups or starts being controlled on its own, you should unplug your phone immediately as that is a sign you may be being juice jacked. Definitely unplug your phone if you ever get a notification asking to “Trust this computer?” That one speaks for itself.

虽然这是很多令人担忧的信息, there are preventative measures that we can all take to make sure we do not fall victim to juice jacking. 对这种情况有所了解并做好准备是很重要的. First and foremost, the easiest way to avoid juice jacking is to bring your own personal charger with you and make sure to plug it into an outlet (NOT a USB port). 这是最可靠的预防措施. 另一个选择是随身携带便携式充电器. There are also phone cases that charge your phone, which allows for longer lasting battery. Now, if you still really want to connect to a USB port there is an option for you. USB condoms exist! 你可能会问,USB安全套到底是什么东西? Well, 他们也被称为果汁杰克捍卫者, 它们是适配器,可以阻断USB的数据传输引脚. With these, you can still charge your device, but data exchange will be blocked. If you want to go even further, there is also anti-virus protection available for installation. Lastly, a good thing to do is to always update your phone when an update is available. 软件更新通知很烦人, I know, 但是当有更好更安全的软件可用时, why not take it, right?

假日旅游的时间快到了, so remember to avoid the charging stations at the airports or rest stops you may be at. 一定要教育你的朋友和家人永利app新版本官网地址榨汁的知识. 大家注意安全,再见下一篇博文!