新资助合并STEM和通讯为N.H. English learners

Two middle school students, a boy and a girl, work together on a computer.

曼彻斯特大学的STEM探索实验室是SLATE的合作伙伴, stem -语言艺术教学/学习生态系统, 一个由美国政府资助的新项目.S. Department of Education. Photo by Jeremy Gasowski.

联合国大学的研究人员获得了3美元的奖金.500万美元的奖金来自美国.S. Department of Education to develop a multi-tiered program that will support New Hampshire middle and high schoolers in learning topics related to STEM — science, technology, 工程与数学. The program will supply enrichment training to teachers and establish a peer mentoring program for students, 主要针对英语学习者, 学生在STEM领域的代表性往往不足.

“Our goal is to find ways to provide students with the assistance they need for communicating and understanding the scientific curriculum in order to gain interest and ultimately succeed in STEM fields.”

“As a group, multilingual students continue to be inadequately represented in STEM in college and in the workforce, and these issues have been further complicated by recent education disruptions, for all students, because of COVID-19,” says Julie Bryce, 地球科学教授和该项目的主要负责人, 石板(stem -语言艺术教学/学习生态系统). “Our goal is to find ways to provide students with the assistance they need for communicating and understanding the scientific curriculum in order to gain interest and ultimately succeed in STEM fields.”

SLATE将由UNH实施 Leitzel Center, the UNH NH Literacy Institutes and UNH’s Community Literacy Center, in partnership with the UNH STEM Discovery Lab, in the Manchester school system and then eventually broadened across the state. The goal is to create multiple pathways to engage in and communicate STEM. It will create mentoring programs to train high school and undergraduate students to become tutors to help students. 将为STEM团队提供专业发展项目, language arts and English language teachers to assist them in developing coordinated strategies to deepen knowledge in STEM topics, science communication and writing with a focus on environmental sciences.

Students communicating their environmental research at a recent GLOBE symposium. Photo by Haley Wicklein.

我们的目标是在, or near, the schools that engage students and teach them about the world around them with an emphasis on not only bolstering their scientific understanding but also communicating it. SLATE participants will learn to explore their local area by asking questions, designing investigations, 进行数据收集, entering data into a globally accessible database and interpreting analyses using drone and satellite imagery. 这种混合方法旨在激发批判性思维, sharpen skills in reasoning and develop the ability to pose and communicate scientific arguments.

“We want to help support kids who may have interest in STEM but may be struggling in other ways,” says Christina Ortmeier-Hooper, a multilingual writing specialist who is an associate professor of English, director of the New Hampshire Literacy Institutes and SLATE co-director. “走一条不同的路, 比如动手做环境研究, 编码与科学传播, we hope to reach some of those underserved students in the area of STEM and also aid them in developing their reading and writing skills.”

其他共同主要研究人员包括 Bethany Silva, research assistant professor in education and director of UNH’s Community Literacy Center; Laura Nickerson, project director at the Leitzel Center; and Jennifer BourgeaultLeitzel Center的项目主管.S. country coordinator for The GLOBE Program. UNH的博士生 composition studies and 自然资源与地球系统科学 项目也将参与到研究项目中.