


I am delighted to share with you our spring College Letter — its stories and news convey a few of the many wonderful things that make the College and 主要研究 such a vibrant community. 过去的一年是充满活力学习的又一年, 创新和获奖研究, 广泛的公众参与.

我们在五月举行了一个美丽的毕业典礼,庆祝我们的新毕业生, 他们的家人及杰出校友(照片在这里). 我们也很高兴地为我们新上任的博士喝彩.D. 和M.A. 毕业生在另一场典礼上. 主要研究’s commencement speaker and the recipient of an Honorary Doctorate was Martin Kimani ‘96, a 主要研究 philosophy graduate currently serving as the United Nations Ambassador for Kenya and a member of the Security Council (他在这里的演讲). 我们很荣幸, 太, to present our inaugural 文理学院 Impactful Alumni Award to Zackaria Bazzi ’08, 主要研究心理学毕业生(本信精选). Please keep an eye out in September for the call for nominees for the 2023 award; I continue to be humbled and impressed by our truly awesome alumni and the impactful lives they lead, and this award is just one small way to give public affirmation to those accomplishments.

“...I continue to be humbled and impressed by our truly awesome alumni and the impactful lives they lead...”

在我们的就职典礼上,我们也看到了优秀的校友们的行动 授权 事件, featuring COLA women graduates from an array of sectors who engaged in speed-mentoring conversations with our women undergraduates. I so enjoyed the energizing and productive inter-generational interactions that evening! 我们期待着在波士顿举办下一次授权活动, 与一个更大的主要研究校友聚会联系在一起.

我很高兴学院能享有盛名 留学项目 正如火如荼地进行. 今年春天,我们在伦敦和布达佩斯的教师主导的项目进行得非常顺利, and faculty and students are now eagerly heading to our summer programs in Berlin, 希腊, Granada and Belize as well as to COLA’s two new study destinations: Bologna and Dublin. 离家更近, the College has a new funding initiative to support students who participate in 主要研究’s long-established relationship with 华盛顿中心,提供结构合理、有影响力的实习机会.C.

另一个亮点是成功的 全球种族和社会不平等实验室去年成立的. In January, the Lab provided faculty mentoring support and funding to 11 students to work on 个人研究项目 of their own choosing; they each did amazing work across an array of topics that were at once intellectually fascinating, 及时并具有实际应用价值. 今年夏天, we are supporting paid community 实习 for nine students who will work for New Hampshire non-profit organizations while also participating in on-campus training workshops on 研究 skills, 技术写作和市场营销. 另外7名学生将担任带薪教员研究助理.

“I love that our students are so willing to avail of the many high impact learning experiences the College provides, 是否旅行, 研究, ...实习...”

We were thrilled again this year to host several distinguished public lecture 事件s, all of which addressed important issues central to the understanding of democracy, 权力与公民社会. We welcomed Professor Annette Gordon-Reed for the Rutman Distinguished Lecture on the American Presidency, 艾米·宾德教授的霍顿讲座, Professor Eliza Bemporad for the Heilbronner Lecture and the Honorable New Hampshire Supreme Court Chief Justice Gordon MacDonald, 是谁雄辩地阐述了律师在公民社会中的作用.

I’m also happy to report that we will hold a full schedule of in-person freshman orientation 事件s this month as the College prepares to welcome a large class of 1,今年秋天将有1000名新生入学, 不过并不是所有交了定金的学生最终都会注册.

I feel privileged every day to serve as Dean of such a fantastic College and am very grateful for the extensive work and support of everyone in our community at large, including the donors who give so generously during the 603 Challenge and throughout the year. I love that our students are so willing to avail of the many high impact learning experiences the College provides, 是否旅行; 研究 – including authoring published papers and conference presentations; 实习; participation in our award-winning Mock Trial 和Model U.N. programs; and, 当然, 在许多非凡的艺术表演中, 全年举办音乐会和展览, including our Wind Symphony’s inaugural wind arrangement performance of Dan Brown’s “Wild Symphony,丹·布朗(Dan Brown)朗读了他创作的故事.




杰里米Gasowski | 主要研究营销 | 杰里米 | 603-862-4465