美国残疾人研究所获得300万美元资助.S. 卫生与公众服务部


联合国儿童基金会从联合国儿童基金会获得了300万美元的赠款.S. 卫生与公众服务部 to continue its support of the one in eight New Hampshire residents who report having a disability, 包括那些有严重视力障碍的人, 听力, 流动性, 认知, 自我照顾或独立生活. 该奖项将允许 残疾研究所 (IOD) to continue serving as New Hampshire’s designated University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD).

有了资金, IOD将为10多人提供培训,000 current and future professionals in New Hampshire; increase access to higher 教育 for students with developmental and other disabilities; and lead research and evaluation that advances effective interventions and services for people with disabilities.

“For more than 35 years the IOD has provided and facilitated training, 研究和服务采用以人为本, strengths-based, 以及文化响应方法.”

“For more than 35 years the IOD has provided and facilitated training, 研究和服务采用以人为本, strengths-based, 以及文化响应方法,Kelly Nye-Lengerman说, IOD主任. “We continue to explore new and innovative ways to partner with people who have lived experiences to diversify the types of research and training we conduct. 我们与大学的合作关系, people and the community allow the IOD to better serve the diverse needs of people with disabilities and their families in New Hampshire.”

IOD的目标是帮助12.占花岗岩州人口的8%,超过170人,000 people—access the services and supports they need for housing, 医疗保健, 教育, 就业, 和运输. The pursuit of this goal requires the support and development of strategies and interventions that prioritize diverse voices, self-direction and a focus on the quality of life across the lifespan.

“IOD提供应用研究, critical resources and evidence-based practices to help individuals with disabilities and their families participate fully in their communities,柯尔斯滕·科拉兹尼说, 主要研究的院长 健康与人类服务学院. “我很高兴IOD将继续在当地建设, state and national capacities to respond to the needs of individuals with disabilities and their families.”

The 残疾研究所 was established to provide a university-based focus for the improvement of knowledge, policies and practices related to the lives of people with disabilities and their families. The IOD is a federally designated center authorized by the Developmental Disabilities Act.