Physicist Prescod-Weinstein honored by National Academies for 写作

Woman with dark curly hair looks at the camera, painting of Black astronomers behind her

钱德Prescod-Weinstein, assistant professor of physics 和 astronomy 和 core faculty of women’s 和 gender studies, 是就职典礼的最高奖得主吗 Eric 和 Wendy Schmidt Awards for 卓越的科学传播, 由美国国家科学院颁发, 工程, 与施密特期货公司合作.

Prescod-Weinstein received the top prize in the category “研究 Scientist: Mid-Career to Later Career” for three 文章 that advance science for the general public:


成为火星人(The Baffler)


“Exceptional 写作 on complex topics, done in a voice aimed at marginalized audiences. 读她的作品是一种乐趣.”

“Prescod-Weinstein makes dark matter 和 astrophysics personally meaningful 和 fascinating for readers by blending physics 和 metaphysics in jaw-dropping 和 beautiful ways,她的获奖感言写道. “It’s not just science, it’s also literary, it’s worldly, it’s masterful. Exceptional 写作 on complex topics, done in a voice aimed at marginalized audiences. 读她的作品是一种乐趣.”

Prescod-Weinstein, a theoretical cosmologist 和 particle physicist who studies dark matter, 也是一个多产的科学传播者, 写作 文章社交媒体帖子 that bring complex ideas about physics, cosmology 和 social justice to broad audiences. 她最近赢得了 Phi Beta Kappa科学图书奖笔奥克兰 约瑟芬·迈尔斯奖,都是因为她的书 The Disordered Cosmos: A Journey Into Dark Matter, Spacetime, 和 Dreams Deferred (黑体字书籍). 四月,她收到了收到的 洛杉矶时报图书奖 在科学技术类.

Prescod-Weinstein is among 24 inaugural recipients of the award — 12 awards for best science communication by research scientists 和 12 awards for science journalists, 分为六个类别. The winners will be honored during a recognition event 和 workshop on Nov. 11和12在华盛顿特区.C.