

23岁的乔纳森·温伯格被选为2023年杜鲁门永利app新版本官网地址, becoming the seventh 主要研究 student to earn the distinction and the first ever from 中曼彻斯特.

温伯格 is the fourth 主要研究 student to be named a Truman Scholar in the last five years, 也是今年唯一获得认可的新罕布什尔学生. He was one of 62 students selected nationwide from a pool of 705 who were nominated, 据主要研究教务长韦恩·琼斯说.

迈克·迪塞勒加入了琼斯的行列, 曼彻斯特大学院长, 和利·普拉特, 联合国的临时主任 国家研究金办公室, to surprise 温伯格 with the announcement during a Zoom class led by Stephen Pimpare, 曼彻斯特大学首席讲师, 星期一晚上.

“这是, 对我来说, 继续证明曼彻斯特大学的学生, 尽管他们经常低调行事, 相对于他们的同龄人来说,他们的成绩要比他们的成绩好,Decelle在公告中说. “Jonathan continues that proud tradition of really standing out in a very small college at the university. 向他致敬.”

哈利年代. 杜鲁门奖学金基金会 建于1975年,是为了纪念第33任总统. It is considered the premier graduate fellowship for college juniors pursuing a career in public service. 杜鲁门永利app新版本官网地址获得研究生学习的资助, 领导力培训, and special internship and fellowship opportunities within the federal government.

奖学金 are given to those who demonstrate outstanding potential for public service and intend to work in the field. 的 competitive selection process requires a strong record of public service, 以及解决特定问题的政策建议.

温伯格’s proposal focused on education funding by the state of New Hampshire and included a recommendation that the state increase the amount of money it allocates to school districts in order to decrease the burden on local communities.

“新罕布什尔州教育资金的动态令人着迷, 因为没有所得税和销售税, so it’s a hard mountain to climb to try to get more state responsibility when there’s this emphasis on local control,温伯格说. “Continuing to advocate for more funding and a lot of electoral accountability would be the main ways to effect that change.”

温伯格, 公共服务和非营利组织领导专业, says he envisions himself pursuing work in the public interest advocacy sector, noting education advocacy and criminal justice reform as two areas in particular that are important to him.

He already has experience working with several local advocacy organizations, including efforts centered around gun violence reform with Granite State Progress and work with Civix Strategy Group, where he helped educate and mobilize community members and other local legislatures on key issues that would negatively impact public education in the state.

他还在自己的社区做了大量的工作, 最引人注目的是在2021年当选为康科德学校董事会成员, 他目前的任期是三年.

Though the Zoom format of the surprise gave him an inkling something might be coming – he began surmising as much when he saw Provost Jones and Pratt joining at the beginning of class – the announcement was no less gratifying.

“我经历了做我自己的过程, 所以最后我感觉很好, 但我在祈祷,温伯格说. “我非常感谢这次机会.”

了解更多永利app新版本官网地址这个和其他可用的机会 国家研究金办公室.

杰里米Gasowski | 主要研究营销 | 杰里米.gasowski@主要研究.edu | 603-862-4465