Collaborative project creates regional connections in forest economies

Research tower in a forest, shot from above with fall colors emerging

因为森林不承认州界, a new initiative funded by the National Science Foundation taps researchers from 主要研究 and across Northern New England to accelerate innovations in forest ecosystem management and forest products in the region.

联合国大学林业研究人员Mark Ducey说, professor and chair of natural resources and the environment, 和安迪·法斯特, forest industry state specialist and extension professor in 主要研究 合作推广, are partners in the new Coalition of Northern Forest Innovation and Research, 由 北方森林中心 并以100万美元的开幕费成立 NSF发动机开发奖. The award will help support the coalition in creating regional connections and local forest innovation ecosystems within two years to prepare strong proposals for future NSF Engines funding of up to $160 million.

核心合作伙伴包括缅因大学, 永利app新版本官网地址, 永利app新版本官网地址合作推广, 佛蒙特大学, 北佛蒙特大学, 缅因州发展基金会, 以及佛蒙特州可持续就业基金. Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont are three of the most forested states in the U.S., with economies tightly linked to the forest’s natural resources.

主要研究’s contributions will expand workforce development efforts Fast has led with state partners and bring to bear Ducey’s expertise in forest sampling, 地理空间的方法, 还有机器学习.