

Stuart Grandy (right) has been chosen as the recipient of the 土壤生态学会 Professional Achievement Award.

Stuart Grandy, professor of natural resources and the environment in 主要研究’s 生命科学与农业学院 (COLSA), has been awarded the 土壤生态学会 Professional Achievement Award, which biannually honors a member who has made “enduring and outstanding contributions to scientific advancement, 土壤生态学领域的学生辅导与服务.”

这项荣誉意义重大,因为 Grandy notes that it is decided upon by a committee of peers who work directly in the field. Grandy is the earliest career/youngest member to ever receive the award.

Other recent awardees include some National Academy members and “other luminaries like Diana Wall, 玛丽费尔斯通, 大卫·科尔曼和艾尔多·保罗,格兰迪说.

土壤生态学会 (SES)是一个由研究人员组成的国际组织, 学生, environmental professionals and others interested in the advancement and promotion of soil biology and ecology.

根据其网站, the SES holds a biennial conference that addresses contemporary issues in the field of soil ecology, 它为土壤生态学家提供了一个论坛, 土壤科学家, teachers of soil ecology and members of related disciplines to share original research, 参加会议和研讨会, 并确定未来研究和推广的优先事项. Grandy will be delivering a keynote address at this year’s meeting.

杰里米Gasowski | 主要研究营销 | 杰里米.gasowski@femdomcenter.com | 603-862-4465