Brooks Payette

Brooks Payette's Articles

  • Market Square, Portsmouth, New Hampshire

    On Tap: Pints of Science

  • 新罕布什尔小学教室里的联合国儿童基金会大使

    A STEM Milestone Worth Marking

    UNH STEMbassadors have reached 13,10,000名花岗岩州立学生参加动手活动, and they show no signs of slowing down. 
  • Katie Haslett, UNH student

    Research Paves Way to Scholarship

  • UNH教授Erin Bell和学生Salimah Hussien与技术营员

    Tech Camp Goes Global

  • Qiaoyan Yu

    CAREER Boost

    Two UNH assistant professors, 机械工程的Marko Knezevic和电气与计算机工程的Qiaoyan Yu, 获得了著名的教师早期职业发展计划, or...
  • UNH CEPS professor Harish Vashisth

    A Year in One Day

    cps助理教授Harish Vashisth获得了世界上最快的生物分子模拟超级计算机的使用权.
  • UNH undergraduate and graduate student

    UNH Duo Finishes Third at Security Challenge

    For the second straight year, 纽约大学的学生在纽约大学的嵌入式安全挑战赛中获得了前三名.
UNH College of Engineering and Physical Sciences