Lisa Nugent

Lisa Nugent's Articles

  • aerial view of UNH

    荣誉教授:Michael D. Andrew

  • Amada Guapisaca与一位职业顾问聊天

    Following Her Roots

    Amada Guapisaca ’19 plans to help those who are struggling with immigration law disputes.
  • UNH Health & Wellness

    Highest-Quality Care

    UNH Health & 健康已连续第七次获得AAAHC认证.
  • UNH's KellyDiNapoli skiing

    Snow-Sport Superstar

    UNH has been named a top U.S. 滑雪和单板滑雪爱好者的学校.
  • McConnell Hall


    UNH researchers have found that young adults who experienced repetitive concussions can experience persistent cognitive changes.
  • headshot of Danielle Pillet-Shore

    Hello, It’s Me

    The first moments of face-to-face interactions are the subject of research by Danielle Pillet-Shore.
  • 市场学副教授Goksel Yalcinkaya

    To Exploit or Explore

    顾客的真实想法、感受和行为是怎样的? This question drives Goksel Yalcinkaya.
  • 拉里·梅尔坐在一艘科考船前的码头边上

    National Academy Honor

  • UNH students working in a lab

    Biomedical Bridgebuilder

    A new grant will help UNH research move from the lab bench to the bedside.
  • Innovating New Products

    Innovating New Products

    Paul College's marketing department is ranked in the top 5 percent nationally in scholarly productivity and impact by Academic Analytics.
  • UNH professor emeritus J. Brent Loy with Slick Pik summer squash

    The Matchmaker

    J. 布伦特·洛伊把葫芦端上你的桌子.
  • Student examines a test tube

    Biomedical Excellence

    UNH has been awarded a five-year, $10 million National Institutes of Health grant
  • Joel Seligman

    CPA Chief Headed to Maryland

    UNH's Joel Seligman has been named the new AVP for marketing and communications at the University of Maryland.
  • Paul College is continuing the tradition of faculty research and teaching excellence.

    Growing Faculty Excellence

    Paul College is continuing the tradition of faculty research and teaching excellence.
  • Michael Thompson

    Rising Star

    Michael Thompson received the Rising Star of Excellence award at a conference in Denver recently. 
  • 拉里·梅尔坐在一艘UNH科考船的船尾

    Hall of Fame

  • 滕晓伟,化学工程副教授

    Better Batteries

    UNH researchers have developed an alternative energy storage system that could lead to less dangerous and more cost-effective battery technology.
  • UNH Graduate School Dean Harry Richards

    Dean Departures

    Two associate deans will be stepping into interim roles with the departure of the deans of CEPS and the Graduate School.
  • Larry Mayer sitting on a dock

    Arctic Appointment

    奥巴马总统任命拉里·梅耶尔为美国国会议员,任期四年.S. Arctic Research Commission, an independent federal agency that advises the President and Congress.
  • UNH professor Rick Cote
  • UNH exercise scientist Summer Cook

    Strong Muscles, Fleet Feet

    Exercise scientist Summer Cook
  • Herbie Smith


    Three UNH students have received National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships, 美国最重要的国家科学之一, math, 工程技术(STEM)奖学金...
  • Erik Swartz


    When it comes to head and helmet safety, NFL最有价值的球员之一并不是四分卫, a receiver, or even a coach. 事实上,埃里克·斯沃茨(Erik Swartz)根本不是橄榄球运动员——他以前是橄榄球运动员...
  • 卡罗尔·费希尔,木偶教员,办公室大学

    The Office

    Click here for a closer look!
  • UNH women's gymnastics
  • sarah drumheller with patient

    A Step Ahead

    Student Sarah Drumheller and her internship supervisor Elizabeth Barbin talk with a patient at Northeast Rehabilitation Hospital.
  • tom safford

    The View from the Coast

    Tom Safford “There isn’t an environmental issue that isn’t a people issue,” contends sociologist Tom Safford.
  • 心理学学生用心理杯在猫雕塑前

    Psyched About Psych Cup

    UNH的本科生站在心理学杯旁边, which they won earlier this year at the 2013 New Hampshire Academic Psychological Association Convention. The win means UNH will host this year’s...
  • 托马斯·纽柯克与儿童写作的书封面


    Thomas Newkirk, professor of English at the University of New Hampshire 照片由佩里·史密斯,UNH摄影服务
  • catie perella

    Meet Five UNH Life Savers

    凯蒂佩雷拉'11照片由丽莎纽金特 The National Marrow Donor Program lists nearly 10 million people on its “Be the Match” registry. 每两万人中就有一人有合适的化妆品...
  • joanne curran-clentano with students at dinner table in field with cows

    Holy Cow!

    Professor Joanne Curran-Celentano, left, Jillian Smith '12 and Amy Beliveau '10, 12G在李郡的UNH有机奶牛场, N.H. 该农场是美国农业部监管的七个设施和田地之一...
  • Brent Loy

    The Matchmaker

    Brent Loy has introduced hundreds of plants to their perfect mates—and the birds and the bees had nothing to do with it.
  • unh professor Mark DeTurk

    The Sound of Music

    It's 9:00 on a Thursday morning, and Moharimet elementary school in Madbury is full of music. There are saxophones in the music room, yes, 但是图书馆外面也有单簧管, flutes in...
  • UNH开设员工健康诊所帮助降低成本


    The University of New Hampshire is aggressively pursuing health care savings and one of the first programs in this comprehensive effort is the opening Feb. 27岁,为教职员工开设了一个校内诊所...
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