


N达勒姆.H. ——pfa, the potentially cancer-causing chemicals known as ‘forever chemicals’, have become an increasing concern in home drinking water. 减少暴露风险的解决方案包括从强制性的市级水处理到水槽下的家庭处理系统. 但消费者是否愿意为一个额外的处理系统买单,以帮助市政当局满足新的联邦饮用水法规? Researchers at the 永利app新版本官网地址 found that they are, if it helps reduce the risk and fits their budget.

"的 challenge with PFAS is that it's an insidious problem. 到处都是, 我们的感官无法察觉的, and its health effects may not appear for decades,斯科特·莱莫斯说, UNH的高级讲师彼得T. Paul School of Business and 经济学. “重要的是要了解消费者知道什么,以及他们愿意支付多少钱来避免潜在的有害接触PFAS, not just today but also years in the future."

在他们的 研究, published in the Journal of Water Resource Planning and Management, 研究人员在调查中发现,使用公共供水系统的家庭平均愿意支付156美元.每年84英镑(合13美元).07 on their monthly bills) to better protect themselves.

研究表明,平均支付意愿(WTP)不足以支付市政一级的处理费用,而与家庭水处理系统的费用更接近, 这表明全系统的PFAS治疗可能不适用于地方层面, especially since PFAS contamination is more common in private wells.    

“而不是要求整个市政供水系统来清理水, 州和联邦官员可以在PFAS污染严重的地区对油井进行更局部的测试,莱莫斯说。. “如果井里的水有问题,补贴一个反渗透过滤器.”

与156美元相比.研究中发现了84个WTP, 水槽下的反渗透过滤器价格约为500美元,使用寿命约为10年, resulting in an average annual cost of about $50, 包括维修, 据莱莫斯说. 如果算上更换过滤器和其他保养费用,每年的总费用估计为100美元.

调查还显示,年轻受访者的支付意愿更高, 女, had children or expressed concerns about tap water safety.

PFAS(全氟和多氟烷基物质)是工业和消费品中使用的人造化学品. 的y have been linked to serious health issues like cancer, immune problems and reproductive issues, though their effects are still being studied. 在污染了朴茨茅斯皮斯空军基地和梅里马克圣戈班高性能塑料厂的饮用水井后,这些化学物质在新罕布什尔州引起了人们的注意. 

合著者包括John Halstead, UNH和Tristan Price, Maine Department of Environmental Protection.

Funding was provided by New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station.

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