22岁的汉娜·多纳休(Hannah Donahue)前往HubSpot,感谢她在永利app新版本官网地址的丰富经验

Monday, August 8, 2022

Hannah Donahue ’22 may not, by her own admission, 在今年春天即将毕业的日子里,你是否已经做好了告别UNH的准备. 但多亏了她在校园里的时光,她已经为她旅程的下一步做好了充分的准备——在HubSpot找到一份全职工作.  多纳休就读永利app新版本官网地址的部分原因是该校著名的商业课程,她充分利用了校园里的每一个机会, taking part in several student-run clubs, including Voice Z (UNH’s marketing agency), as well as The New Hampshire, UNH的校报,她说所有的经历都塑造了她今天的样子. 

Hear more students tell their stories in our Voices of Wildcats series.

Jeremy Gasowski | UNH Marketing | jeremy.gasowski@femdomcenter.com | 603-862-4465
David Vogt | Communications and Public Affairs