About Basic Needs at UNH

Dr. Kenneth Holmes, Senior Vice Provost for Student Life at UNH

Aerial Sunset

The Basic Needs program seeks to support students through prevention, intervention and emergency relief efforts. We acknowledge that the lack of basic needs is a systemic issue, not an individual one. Basic needs insecurity can stem from a variety of underlying factors, including income inequality, rising living expenses, and other issues. It is often not a result of personal choices or actions. 我们知道满足你的基本需求是多么重要,这样你就可以专注于你的教育和其他生活目标. 

In 2023, 国家高等教育学生援助研究(2020年NPSAS)首次发布了影响全国大学生的粮食不安全和无家可归问题的全国代表性估计. In Spring 2020, for the first time, 该研究向学生提问,评估他们在食品安全和无家可归方面的经历. The sample includes students enrolled at any time between July 1, 2019, and June 30, 2020, at higher education institutions participating in federal financial aid programs. In total, 80,760 undergraduates completed surveys, a sample representing about 17.1 million undergraduates. In addition, 19,700 graduate students (representing 3.6 million) completed surveys.

As long suspected, 大学生的失业率高于普通大众,影响到所有类型的学院和大学,并跨越了学生的人口统计,甚至是传统的收入和经济需求衡量标准. They found, 

  • 23% of undergraduates and 12% of graduate students experienced food insecurity
  • 8% of undergraduates and 5% of graduate students experienced homelessness
  • Basic Needs insecurity affects 35% of Black/African American Students, 30% of Native American students and 25% of Hispanic students
  • Those at highest risk of basic needs insecurity include LGBTQ+ and Indigenous students.

Source: 美国高等教育中的粮食不安全和无家可归:新的全国代表性估计概述(2023年)


Food Insecurity: 粮食不安全是指营养充足或安全的食物供应有限或不确定, as well as a person's ability to obtain these foods in a socially acceptable way. Food insecurity is a systemic issue that can happen to anyone, not a personal failure. According to Feeding America's Elevating Voices Report, people facing hunger struggle with high living costs, expensive housing, unemployment, and low-wage jobs. 即使是有稳定收入和负担得起的住房的人也会经历暂时的挫折,导致粮食不安全, including job loss, medical emergency, natural disaster or family crisis.

Houseless or Unhoused: a person who lacks a consistent and safe nighttime residence. This can include couch surfing, staying temporarily with friends or family, 在学校休息期间没有一个稳定和安全的地方去的大学生, someone who stays in many different places, as well as staying in a homeless shelter, car, or sleeping outside. Visit this link to learn the difference between Homeless, Houseless or Unhoused

Housing Insecurity: 住房不安全包括与学生居住地相关的更广泛的挑战. These can include being unable to pay rent or utilities on time, occupying a residence with others beyond its official capacity, and moving three or more times in a given year. 在面临住房不安全的大学生中,最常见的挑战是能够支付全部租金, bills, and/or mortgage. Experiencing “housing instability” means having a place to live, but facing instability, uncertainty or unsuitability in one’s living conditions.

Person First Language : When referring to people who are without shelter, person-first language is important. For this issue, 他们将被描述为“无家可归的人”,而不是“无家可归的人”.“这样做是为了提醒他们,他们的状况并不能定义他们,他们首先是一个人.  必须强调的是,对于那些无家可归或没有住所的人来说,他们有各种各样的经历. 而一般公众可能认为无家可归者主要是露宿街头或在营地内的人, there are also hidden components of houselessness. 这包括那些暂时与朋友或家人“沙发冲浪”的人,或者住在他们车里的无家可归的人. 没有住所的生活通常不是一种选择,这种经历是非常具有挑战性的. 

Learn more about student houselessness and food insecurity

Basic Needs Team 

Patty Mathison (she/her), Basic Needs Coordinator and Case Manager

在担任弗吉尼亚州乔治梅森大学社会行动和综合学习办公室主任9年后,我于2022年4月开始担任首任基本需求协调员和案例经理. 我职业生涯的大部分时间都在高等教育领域工作,比如社区参与, community partnerships, 社会公正和领导力发展,在那里我创建并监督了奖学金项目, taught many leadership classes, coordinated living learning community programs as well as alternative breaks. Throughout my time in higher education, I always felt drawn to students facing basic needs insecurity and mental health challenges. 我在乔治梅森大学获得了咨询与发展的第二个硕士学位,重点是社区机构咨询. 我希望能够做更多的事情来支持学生,并且正在寻找一种方法将我在高等教育中的经验与咨询和学生支持结合起来,这个角色非常适合我.  

Throughout my experiences, I have witnessed and been in awe of the resiliency and determination of so many students. Many working, 照顾家庭,克服巨大的困难争取接受教育. 在我的职业生涯中,我一直致力于了解如此多社会问题的根本原因,以及这些系统性不平等如何继续延续下去. As we come out from the COVID pandemic, we are seeing a new wave of need with fewer resources and higher requests for resources. 我希望将学生与资源联系起来,同时也承认和分享学生在联合国大学面临的挑战. I believe in the power of community and believe everyone should have access to education.

Olivia Titus (She/her), Basic Needs Intern 

Hi my name is Olivia Titus I am a senior social work major here at UNH. 我不太确定毕业后我想做什么,但我希望与儿童一起工作或成为一名医务社会工作者. I was born and raised in Raymond, New Hampshire, and in my spare time I enjoy reading, hiking, and hanging out with my friends.


在大学的整个存在过程中,对学生基本需求的支持以各种形式存在, however in 2019, 联合国大学校长詹姆斯·迪恩发起了一个由专职教师组成的基本需求倡议委员会, staff and students  to address basic needs concerns at the university. Through assessments, surveys and reports this committee waas charged with looking at what UNH is doing, 我们还可以做什么,我们可能需要什么,以实现或增强任何支持. This committee focused on new ideas, website/IT, Promotion/Marketing, and Fundraising. They consolidated existing programs, created new programs and raised funds to support student basic needs. 他们还聘请了一个美国服务队VISTA来支持在校园建立一个新的食品储藏室,并主张雇用一名全职工作人员来支持这些重要的举措. 基本需求项目的联络点被安置在学生主任办公室内,并于2022年聘请了一名基本需求协调员. 这对总统和第一夫人珍妮特·迪恩来说是一项重要的倡议,我们很高兴UNH第一夫人成为这个委员会的成员,在那里她分享了她在社区支持方面的经验和智慧, philanthropy and basic needs. 

这些资源和项目涉及许多不同部门的协调,包括餐饮和酒店服务, Financial Aid, Student Accounts, Enterprise and Technology Services, Campus Services, UNH Housing and Residence Life, Advancement and Alumni Affairs among others. 我们非常感谢为满足学生的基本需求而付出的支持、奉献和辛勤工作. 

Basic Needs Initiative Committee Members 

Patty Mathison, Basic Needs Coordinator and Case Manager (Co-Chair)

Dr. Catherine Moran, Director of Undergraduate Programs Sociology (Co-Chair)

Dr. Kimberly Babbitt, Associate Dean COLSA*

Dr. Michael Blackman, Dean of Students 

Jonathan Constable, Director of COLA Career and Professional Services

Jes Crowell, Director of TRIO Scholars 

Lisa Enright, Assistant Dean of Student Success UNH-Manchester

Gillissen (Gigi) Green, Academic and Cultural Engagement Specialist, OISS 

Liz Hogan, Apartment Manager UNH Housing

Chris Josefowitch, Student Senator 

Dr. Kenneth LaValley,副教务长,负责大学推广和参与/ UNH推广主任

Dr. Dovev Levine, Assistant Dean for Graduate Student Affairs

Rochelle L'Italien, UNH Dining Registered Dietician*

William (Bill) McNamara, Executive Director of Hospitality Services* 

Candice Morey, Educational Program Coordinator, UNH Manchester Graduate School

Shuva Paul, Graduate Teaching Assistant, OISS

Dr. Dawna Perez, Executive Director, Student Success*

Dana Pierce, Events Coordinator, UNH Manchester

Dr. Shari Robinson, Assistant Vice Provost for Student Life* 

Dr. Karen Spiller, Thomas W. Haas Professor in Sustainable Food Systems*

Elizabeth Stevens, Director of Student Financial Services 

Meg Marsh,  Director of Annual Giving Programs

Olivia Titus, Basic Needs Intern 


Previous Committee Members 

Jocelyne Bisson, UNH Student

Joel Carstens*, Associate Director of Financial Aid

Megan Cramton, UNH Student

Megan Davis, Chief of Staff 

Janet Dean, UNH First Lady*

Liza Degenring, Graduate Student 

Kelsey Gilmore Garlington* Apartment Manager 

Dr. Joan Glutting, Inaugural Chair 2019-2023*, Clinical Professor, Psychology 

Dr. Kenneth Holmes, Senior Vice Provost for Student Life

Dr. David May*, Associate Vice President for Business Affairs 

Dr. David Mortensen*, Professor Agriculture, Nutrition & Food Systems 

Paul Young, AmeriCorps VISTA