

在我们的生活中,我们都会面临意想不到的挑战. Sometimes these challenges include fundamental issues of food insecurity, 住房和其他金融问题. Our goal for this week of events is to promote various resources available to our UNH community through our wonderful campus and community partners. We also hope to provide education around the challenges so many of our students and community members face. This week of program will highlight the ways that we can all contribute to a community of support for all at UNH.

加入我们,了解更多永利app新版本官网地址如何参与的信息, opportunities to volunteer or connections to resources available to students, UNH的教职员工.



12:30-1:30 MUB 334/336(自备午餐) 
Presented by Patty Mathison, Basic Needs Coordinator and Case Manager 

你听过这个表达吗, “Most of the evil in this world is done by people with good intentions.” T.S. 艾略特? 在这个演讲中, we will examine the dangers of empathy and how sometimes the best of intentions can be unintentionally harmful. We will examine volunteerism/donations through the lens of critical service, which puts the community as the experts and allows for community driven response.  



SHARPP Survivor Support Space:  Facilitated discussion on intimacy and relationships.

3月25日,周一,下午6-7:30,Thrive Kitchen, Hamel娱乐中心
由UNH 健康主办 & 健康和夏普

Explore intimacy and relationships after being harmed can be a challenging time.  加入夏普和健康 & 健康 for a conversation/exploration about how we think about and approach this.

预先登记.  问题联系 茱莉亚.Lihzis@femdomcenter.com



主持 连接同伴支持 


连接同伴支持 is a non-clinical mental health organization that supports Seacoast community members through peer support. Members regularly participating at 连接同伴支持 Center report fewer hospitalizations, 减少心理健康危机, 提高了生活质量. 这就是复苏的样子. 

Join 连接同伴支持 for a conversation about the framework of peer support and how it can be utilized in the world of mental health recovery. 


Co-Sponsored with generosity from the Office of International Students and Scholars, 联合国儿童基金会停车、交通和收集食物再利用计划 

Stop by the Strafford Room on 3月26日星期二 to meet with campus and community partners to learn about the many resources available to students, 教职员工. 合作伙伴会分享参与的方式, ways to support individuals in New Hampshire and the surrounding areas and resources available. We will offer breakout spaces that can allow for private conversations with some of these providers!

下列组织的代表将出席会议: 卫生与公众服务部, 收集(为无饥饿社区), 路标, 回声旧货店, NH青年成功计划, 复苏的野猫, SHARPP, 主要研究图书馆, 主要研究Manchester, 新英格兰互助救济基金, 大海岸社区卫生, 连接同伴支持, 国家研究金办公室, 新界食物银行, 卫生与保健, 青年运动, 603法律援助; 事业和专业成功, NH饥饿解决方案, 斯特拉福德县社区行动伙伴关系, NH补充营养援助计划 , 新罕布什尔州生殖自由基金, 新一代

MUB 140A的营业时间为下午11点至2点(正常营业时间为周一至周五下午4点至7点) 

走进猫的橱柜,了解更多永利app新版本官网地址我们提供的东西, 我们可能需要的物品和您可以参与的方式! This will happen concurrently with the Fair and we hope you will stop by both! 参观时欢迎您随身携带食物, but note the Cupboard will open again at 4pm later that day if you would like to come back. 请自带环保袋! 


星期三,3月27日,11:30-2:00 PM - MUB信息表
由UNH 健康主办 & 健康 

探索美味的可能性与我们的食品储藏室主食表. 发现创意小吃的想法精心制作的食品储藏室的主食, 把基本的食材变成美味又营养的食物.


下午11点至2点之间,前往Beauregard Center (MUB 120) 

Join the Beauregard Center every other Thursday for a brain break with snacks, 饮料, 还有有趣的活动. As part of 基本需要周 we will be creating edible rainbows through fresh fruit. Come learn about the benefits of the many natural colors in fresh fruit and create your own edible rainbow! 

下午4-5点,MUB 330/332

加入我们的“力量之树”工作坊吧, which is a tool that student organizers all over the nation use in social justice trainings. The 权力之树 is geared towards helping us understand that in order to create lasting change, we need to understand and shift the underlying power structures that support these problems. 在活动结束时,参与者将能够:  

  • Identify symptoms of systems of power and institutions that maintain/perpetuate them 

  • Articulate the root causes of social issues and understand the concept of intersectionalit


Exploring Scholarships and Fellowships: How to find and apply for funding
下午5-6点MUB 336 

由Leigh Pratt主持,国家奖学金办公室 

奖学金和奖学金为许多事情提供资金, 包括你的UNH学费, 留学经历, 研究生院, 研究, 和更多的! Join Leigh Pratt from the 国家研究金办公室 for an overview of various fellowships, 包括去哪里寻找资金, 如何开发强大的应用程序, 以及在需要的时候如何索要推荐信.






Come check out the display in the lobby of 钻石库 throughout the month of March. 你可以拿走永利app新版本官网地址提高信用的资料, 建设节约, 管理债务, as well as money smart tips that link to a UNH 图书馆 研究 guide on financial literacy. 

一定要去看看 联合国大学图书馆财务资源指南 获得大量的资源

3月13日: 学生康复联盟训练 



Come learn to be an advocate and ally for people struggling with substance use or in recovery. Help confront stigma and learn to better support a roommate, friend, family member, or others.
All students welcome – no experience or personal connection to recovery required.
和我们一起学习:►理解成瘾 & 恢复/人们为什么使用
► Recovery Friendly Language ► Supports on Campus and Other Resource



4月24, 2024: Food Solutions New England's Annual Challenge: 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge

FSNE 21天种族平等习惯养成挑战很简单! 你致力于加深对……的理解, 以及对抗的意愿, racism for twenty-one consecutive days in April  of each year and the Racial Equity Challenge will:

  • Raise your awareness, change your understanding and shift the way you behave.

  • Go beyond individual or interpersonal racism by helping to demystify structural and institutional racism and white supremacist patterns that are sometimes invisible to people.
  • 激励你行动起来, 独自一人或与组织中的其他人一起, 业务, 或组, 拆除这些系统, to make changes in your work and the world that can build true equity and justice for all.

欲了解更多信息并报名参加本次活动,请访问: http://foodsolutionsne.org/21-day-racial-equity-habit-building-challenge


110 Barton Hall教学厨房,下午11-1点 

由Emily Gaddis主持和赞助,食物再利用计划 

快来加入食物再利用计划吧, 与Gather的合作, COLSA and UNH 餐厅 for a fun cooking class delving into the "secret language" of the kitchen. 有没有搞不清“冲”和“捏”的区别? 手边有什么常用的/基本的厨房工具? Together we will learn how to make minimal meal prep that can stretch into other meals throughout the week. 将提供食物和所有材料!  


MUB 330/332, 12:40- 2:pm 

Come learn to be an advocate and ally for people struggling with substance use or in recovery. Help confront stigma and learn to better support a partner, friend, family member, or others. All students welcome – no experience or personal connection to recovery required. 和我们一起学习:►理解成瘾 & 恢复/人们为什么使用 ► Recovery Friendly Language ► Supports on Campus and Other Resources