
UNH policy prohibits student travel and activities, 本科生和研究生, 在一些国家或地区.S. 国务院税率 as Level 3: Reconsider Travel or Level 4: Do Not Travel. There may be instances when an individual student or a UNH-sponsored group considers that there is a compelling educational interest to travel to a Level 3 or Level 4 country or area and that it is possible to mitigate the risks. 在这些情况下, an individual student or unit may petition to the International Travel Risk Review Committee (ITRRC) for prior approval.

ITRRC also may require approval for travel to locations that pose a specific health, 安全, or security concern as indicated by sources other than the U.S. 国务院. Examples of such sources may include but are not limited to: 疾病控制中心 (CDC), 世界卫生组织 (世卫组织)班.S. 政府机构(e).g., 澳大利亚或加拿大当局), 永利app新版本官网地址当局, 旅行援助提供者, 以及国际教育组织. 

Approval is required for students participating in university sponsored and cosponsored programs through a UNH academic unit, 全球教育中心, 联合国大学认可的学生组织, 或者其他大学办公室.

The ITRRC will review requests to travel to these countries or areas based on the ITRRC评审准则. Approval by The Committee will allow use of financial aid, 奖学金和其他大学资助, 包括信用转移.

There are two methods to petition for ITRRC approval:

  • 作为一个 个别学生
  • 作为一个 单位 on behalf of all students on a program or activity

旅行审批指引 for petitioning can be found below.

Petitions are approved under the conditions at the time of approval. If a new travel advisory is issued or circumstances change, the proposal must be reconsidered. If the program or activity is ongoing and the country or area remains rated at a Level 3 or Level 4, the program must be reapproved each time an individual or group of students plans to participate.

If a student chooses to travel to a country or area rated by the U.S. 国务院 as Level 3 or Level 4 without ITRRC approval or to participate in an activity for which the ITRRC has denied a petition, the student cannot be registered for any UNH credits during this period, is ineligible for financial aid from the University or allowed to use any UNH funding, and will not be awarded UNH credit or transfer credit.


It is a goal of the 永利app新版本官网地址 (UNH) strategic plan to ensure that students will have maximum exposure to international experiences. 尽量减少健康和安全风险, 联合国卫生组织的政策禁止旅行和活动, 本科生和研究生, 在一些国家或地区.S. 国务院税率 as Level 3: Reconsider Travel or Level 4: Do Not Travel. There may be instances when an individual student or a UNH-sponsored group considers that there is a compelling educational interest to conducting an activity in a Level 3 or Level 4 country or area and that it is possible to mitigate the risks. 在这些情况下 an individual student or a unit may petition to the International Travel Risk Review Committee (ITRRC) for prior approval.

除了, ITRRC may require travelers to petition for permission to travel to locations or participate in programs that pose a specific health, 安全, or security concern as indicated by sources other than the U.S. 国务院. Examples of such sources may include but are not limited to: 疾病控制中心 (CDC), 世界卫生组织 (世卫组织)班.S. 政府机构(e).g., 澳大利亚或加拿大当局), 永利app新版本官网地址当局, 旅行援助提供者, 以及国际教育组织.

The International Travel Risk Review Committee (ITRRC) will review petitions for travel approval. 我们鼓励申请者尽早申请. The committee review process may take 6 to 8 weeks.

International Travel Risk Review Committee (ITRRC)

The ITRRC is comprised of the Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Senior Vice Provost for 学生生活 and Dean of 学生, Associate Vice Provost for International 项目, and Assistant VP/Executive Director UNH 健康 Services. These officials may delegate their responsibilities to others within their areas of authority.

In deciding whether to suspend a UNH-sponsored education abroad activity, 批准旅行到一个国家或地区与美国.S. 国务院 risk rating of Level 3 or Level 4, 或者批准前往高风险目的地的旅行, 审核委员会会考虑以下因素:

  • 活动的教育目的
  • Whether the activity is for undergraduate, graduate, or professional development
  • 教育, 研究, 服务, 外展, or professional development importance of the activity in relation to the students' UNH program
  • The political and physical conditions in the destination country(ies)
  • The level of risk to students' health and 安全
  • Travel conditions and the ability to evacuate students, if necessary
  • The manageability of legal risk to the University

The ITRRC is also responsible for deciding whether to suspend an education abroad activity sponsored by UNH when a significant health or 安全 concern is raised regarding the activity.


If the answer to any of these questions is "yes", approval is required prior to travel:

  • 活动是为了获得信贷吗?
  • 该活动是否符合学位要求?
  • Is the activity financially supported, in any way, by UNH?
  • 活动有监督吗?, 领导, 安排, OR somehow sponsored by an UNH department or faculty or staff member?
  • 活动有监督吗?, 领导, 安排, 或者是由大学办公室赞助的, 组织(乐队, 体育团队, 等.)或联合国大学认可的学生组织?
  • Does the travel occur within the UNH related program/activity dates?
    • 这项政策适用于个人, free-time travel within the official dates of the program/activity.



  • 作为一个 个别学生
  • 作为一个 单位 on behalf of all students on a program or activity

Complete Student or 单位 ITRRC Travel Approval petitions should be submitted electronically or in hard copy to:
   The International Travel Risk Review Committee (ITRRC)
   达勒姆NH 03824
   电子邮件: 贝丝.kilinc@femdomcenter.com