学生信息 & 费用

联合国大学提供国际旅行援助, 为所有学生提供紧急服务和保险, 本科生和研究生, 乘火车出国旅行 大学的活动. 所涵盖的活动的一些例子包括:在UNH管理的国外学习, UNH 交换 or UNH Approved program; interning or researching abroad for credit, fulfilling a UNH requirement or assisting UNH faculty; presenting your UNH- research at a conference; or 旅行ing abroad with a UNH Recognized Student Organization.

You will be covered only while enrol领导 in your official UNH program or activity 和 only when you are outside the U.S. You will 不 be covered for 个人 旅行 before the program/activity begins or after the program/activity ends. 因此, UNH recommends that you maintain your domestic coverage to insure continuation of coverage 和 care before the program begins, 在它结束之后, 回到美国后.S.


1. 援助 & 服务- - - - - -国际SOS

国际SOS是首屈一指的国际服务提供商, 当你遇到紧急情况时谁会在你身边, 个人, 旅行, 法律, 和 security assistance services are needed when 乘火车出国旅行 UNH-related activities. One phone call connects you to the 国际SOS Network of staff trained to help resolve these issues. Services range from telephone advice 和 referrals to full-scale medical 和 security evacuations by private air ambulance. 国际SOS专家网络每天24小时运作, 一年365天来自世界各地的警报中心. Since its founding in 1974, they have performed thous和s of evacuations 和 repatriations.

Accessing 国际SOS information is easy 和 available on your membership card provided by UNH, 下载国际SOS 帮助应用程序,及浏览网址: www.internationalsos.com. 在会员网站的提示下登录, 输入您的UNH国际SOS会员号码:11BCAS000009. 告警中心的电话号码为+1.215.942.8478,从世界任何地方都可以打对方付费电话.

2. 保险- - - - - -大学健康计划

UNH与其保险经纪人合作, 大学健康计划, to establish a unique international insurance program with Cigna 和 Lloyd's for UNH students abroad on UNH-related activities, 哪些与国际SOS协同工作. 这个保险计划在任何情况下都是首要的, but 国际SOS must provide all emergency services in order for the insurance to pay out the insurance benefits. Because of the special relationship between 国际SOS 和 the Plan Administrators, 应急管理和卫生保健决策得到简化. 

信息rmation on the benefits 和 coverage, including definitions 和 exclusions, is available on the 好处页面.


All undergraduate students 乘火车出国旅行 大学的活动 will be charged an International Travel Insurance Fee:

  • 不到两周:35美元
  • 2-10周:70美元
  • 11周或更长时间:150美元/学期

Graduate students will be charged this fee for UNH coursework abroad or 研究 abroad programs, 但不是用于研究活动.

额外的信息 ——对 更多详情请浏览 联合国大学国际旅游 & 保险计划.

利益解释 & 学生保险资讯


学生 who are 旅行ing internationally on UNH-related activities are covered by an international health, 事故, 紧急和旅行援助计划. 与联合国卫生组织有关的活动定义为:

  • 活动的监督, 领导, 安排, or sponsored by an UNH department or faculty or staff member. 这包括:
    • UNH-Managed, 交换, 获批准出国留学, IROP /冲浪/收获, 独立学习, 部门批准实习, 为毕业论文做研究, 美术比赛
  • 活动的监督, 领导, 安排, 或由大学办公室赞助, 组织或大学认可的学生组织. 这包括:
    • 运动队,另类春假,无国界学生组织
    • 研究 sponsored or supported by a University research office unit or committee
    • 在会议上作永利app新版本官网地址大学项目、活动或研究的报告

学生们  covered if they are 旅行ing internationally for 个人 和/or leisure 旅行 with the exception of allowed 旅行 days as defined by the UNH program. UNH保险范围包括最多7天的个人偏差保险. Personal deviation is defined as 旅行 prior to or after the school-sponsored trip. Any 个人 deviation 旅行 in excess of the 7 days is 不 covered 和 requires you to purchase your own 个人 旅行 insurance should you wish to be covered.

保险计划 & 覆盖范围-大学健康计划

UNH的保险计划是通过大学健康计划提供的. 请按以下连结阅读计划详情.

计划的细节 & 使用

联合国大学国际计划的一部分是加入 国际SOS, which provide access to medical assistance 和 security services around the world.

  • 国际SOS提供的服务范围从简单的电话咨询, 转介给经过审查的提供者进行全面的医疗和安全后送.
  • 国际SOS provides extensive pre-旅行 medical 和 security information 和 advice online or by telephone.
  • 点击上面的链接查看有关国际SOS的广泛信息.

  • Call 国际SOS (+1) 215-942-8478 和 provide the UNH membership # 11BCAS000009.
  • 如果您自己安排和付款,请遵循以下说明 提出索赔.

以下是有限的排除列表. 学生应复习 信诺医疗保险 和 劳合社旅行政策 了解和理解哪些是包括的,哪些是不包括的. 问题 about excluded activities should be directed to 大学健康计划 at info@univhealthplans.com.

  • Any 和 all expenses incurred for medical services or treatment in the Insured's country of permanent residence.
  • Travel for 个人 和/or leisure 旅行 with the exception of allowed 旅行 days as defined by plan coverage.
  • 家属.
  • 日常保健.
  • Dental Expenses unless the result of an 事故 to sound natural teeth or alleviation of sudden unexpected dental pain.
  • Eyeglasses, contact lenses, hearing aids, or examinations for prescription or fitting thereof.
  • 在酒精或药物的影响下驾驶任何类型的车辆, narcotic or other intoxicant including any prescribed drug for which the Covered Person has been provided a written warning against operating a vehicle while taking it.
  • Travel in or on any off road motorized vehicle 不 requiring licensing as a motor vehicle.
  • 专业或休闲飞行(如.g.、跳伞、悬挂式滑翔、航空摄影/探索).
  • 战争造成的伤害或疾病, 或者是战争行为, 无论是申报还是未申报, 防暴, 骚乱或警察行动.

  • 学生可以购买 Extended Travel or Spouse/Dependent insurance coverage directly from 国际SOS.
  • 学生可以购买 行程取消/中断保险该报告由UNH的保险经纪人提供.

  • UNH recommends that students maintain their domestic health insurance to guarantee continuity of coverage pre- 和 post-international program.
  • 永利app新版本官网地址UNH学生健康福利的信息如下 网上.
  • Eligible students will be covered by the 联合国大学国际旅游 plan even if they are 不 covered by the UNH学生健康福利 Plan.

  • 乘坐UNH-Managed旅行的学生, 交换, Approved 和 UROP programs will register as part of their 研究 abroad enrollment process.
  • 学生 旅行ing with a Recognized Student Organization must register with the MUB on 未经批准的链接.
  • All other students should contact the Global Education Center at 603-862-2398 or 研究.abroad@femdomcenter.com.

  • If you have questions about insurance benefits or exclusions for medical sickness/事故, 旅行取消/中断/延迟, 医疗疏散/遣返, 政治/自然灾害疏散, 联系大学健康计划 info@univhealthplans.com.
  • If you have pre-trip questions about a health or safety issue, please contact 国际SOS.
  • For any additional questions, contact the Global Education Center, 603-862-2398, or email 研究.abroad@femdomcenter.com.