
调查 publishes research articles, 评论, 研究简报, and feature articles written by UNH undergraduates or recent graduates 只有. (见 手稿类别 有关详细信息,.) 调查 does not accept works of fiction, poetry, or drama. 调查 does however accept works of visual art that have developed from research into a particular visual artist, 艺术历史, 或者艺术形式/技术. Visual art submissions will also be considered for the cover of printed 调查 publications beginning in 2022.


在每期的 调查 we present a wide variety of well written pieces describing research findings and experiences in all disciplines. These should be of interest and accessible to the educated general public as well as to those in the author’s field of research. 

If you have a research paper or report already written, a research project nearing completion, or an idea for a commentary, the first step is to contact the staff 编辑器s at 编辑器.inquiry@femdomcenter.com. Please send short, specific responses to the following questions: 

  • What is the exact question or problem your research addressed? Why should general readers be interested in it? (If you were part of a larger project, describe it and your role in it.)
  • What information, misinformation, and opinions are general readers likely to have about your subject?
  • What is your specific goal in publishing an article on this topic: what do you want readers to learn from your research experience and results? (Keep in mind the word limits: 2500 for an article, 1500 for a commentary, 1000 for a research brief.)
  • To accomplish this goal, what background and/or explanatory information needs to be added? 可以省略什么?
  • What technical terms and concepts need defining? 可以省略?
  • Was this research conducted with a research grant, as part of an independent study, or other? 请指定.

Answering these questions should give you an idea of what is needed to turn a technical or scholarly paper into an article, commentary, or brief suitable for publication in 调查(见 EDITORIAL AND REVISION PROCESS).

Discuss your responses, the revision process, and the 编辑器ial calendar with an 编辑器. Your responses help the 编辑器s make final selections for the next issue. Selection of articles is based on representing a variety of disciplines and on authors’ commitment to the revision process.

Submit a complete first draft. First drafts do not need to meet stated word limits; please let those limits serve as guidance 只有. We will help you to refine the text throughout the revision process. These first drafts should be standard Microsoft Word documents containing text 只有. Please do not embed any images (tables, graphs, photos, 等.)在文件中. Image files may be sent separately and are not required at the time of submission. In order to be accepted for publication in the next issue, first drafts must include the following:

研究简报  are published in both the spring and fall issues and must be submitted by October 1 (for fall) or December 1 (for spring). A complete first draft includes:

  1. A clear definition of your research topic and objectives.
  2. A description of your methods and research activities.
  3. A brief discussion of preliminary, anticipated, or final results. (Note that the word limit of a research brief does not permit a thorough discussion of results. If you would like to share more details of your results, consider submitting a research article.)

研究文章, published in the spring issue 只有, must be submitted by December 1 at the latest. A complete first draft includes:

  1. Introduction to your research topic, its significance, and relevant background information.
  2. Methods and/or a description of daily or weekly research activities.
  3. Results (these may be preliminary at time of submission; at a minimum, please provide a short paragraph about your results or tell us where you stand with analysis of data, 等.)  
  4. Conclusion, including personal reflection on what you gained from the experience.
  5. 参考文献.

评论, published in the spring issue 只有, must be submitted by December 1 at the latest. A complete first draft includes:

  1. An introduction clearly stating the focus of your commentary.  
  2. A discussion supporting the main idea of your commentary. This could be in the form of evidence gained from personal research experiences, insights from other researchers or faculty, 等等.......
  3. A conclusion that reinforces the main idea of your commentary.

功能的文章 are usually written by members of our student 编辑器ial board. If you are interested in participating, please fill out the 加入员工队伍 form, and indicate your interest in writing for the journal.