

从3月21日到4月21日, 2023, 所有的学生, staff, and faculty across UNH were encouraged to take a confidential 2023 校园气候调查 that assessed the climate across our three campuses. 2023年的调查建立在2019年调查的基础上, which drove recommendations that were implemented in 2020-21 and that continue to still be addressed to varying degrees. The new survey evaluates the impact of these efforts and identifies both new and remaining challenges and opportunities.




  1. The Chief Diversity Officer will present key findings to campus constituents and host discussion groups for those with questions or concerns and those interested in engaging with the data.

  2. Task forces (or individuals) situated in relevant offices will be charged with addressing stated concerns.

  3. 总统将促进后续行动和问责制, Provost, 兼首席多元化官.

  4. 有关行动步骤和进展的最新情况将发布到 多元化、公平及包容部网页 为了完全透明. 




3月21日 校园气候调查展开
4月21日 校园气候调查结束


6 - 调查管理
7 - 8月 第三阶段. 数据分析


August-9月 报告的发展
9月 向社区介绍报告结果
10 向社区介绍报告结果


这项调查将由社区办公室赞助, Equity and Diversity and conducted by the UNH Survey Center under the leadership of Nadine Petty, 首席多元化官和副总裁.

The questions for the 2023 Climate Survey largely replicate those used in the 2019 校园气候调查 developed by a task force comprised of UNH students, faculty, 和工作人员,由兰金主持 & 的同事.

It is important for the people who participate in climate surveys to “see” themselves in the response choices. The survey attempts to be as inclusive of all members of the university community as possible, so we have attempted to reduce the number of participants who must choose “other” when responding to survey questions.

The UNH Survey Center will submit the survey and all data collection efforts to UNH’s Institutional Review Board to ensure that all data collection efforts are ethical, 自愿的, 并为所有被访者保密. We will not collect any data through interaction with individual respondents, 可识别的私人信息受到保护.

在理想的情况下, the university would like a 100 percent response rate in order to understand the experience of every community member. 然而, a 30 percent or higher response rate will allow us to report the survey results with confidence.

We will not collect any data that is protected through regulation or policy such as social security number, 校园识别码, 医疗信息, etc. When we report on the survey, no personally identifiable information will be included. Confidentiality will be maintained to the degree permitted by the technology used. 例如, IP地址将在提交调查时被淘汰, and all data will be secured on a firewalled server with forced SSL security. We will also not report any group data for groups of fewer than ten individuals. Instead, we will combine the groups or take other measures to eliminate the potential for demographic information to identify respondents. 在定性评论中提交的可识别信息将被编辑.

参与调查是自愿的, and participants do not have to answer any question except the first positioning question (student, faculty, 或员工身份). 参与者可能会跳过他们不愿意回答的问题. All subsequent research efforts and publication will be subject to IRB approval.

联合国卫生研究所调查中心将提供一份执行摘要, 调查结果的报告, 描述性和推断性统计, 并对定性数据进行内容分析. 该报告将确定数据中存在的主题, and generalizations will be limited to groups or sub-groups with response rates of at least 30 percent. The university will use the results to identify two to three areas for targeted campus attention and construct appropriate programmatic plans of action. 结果将于2023年秋季公布.

根据公共记录规定,报告草稿可以不披露. 但是,最终报告将根据要求予以披露. The president expects that our final report will be public on the university’s website.

Raw data can be withheld from public records requirements due to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. 由于大量的人口问题, each survey response will be treated as potentially individually identifiable, 即使没有特定的标识符将被收集. Raw data for specific indicators could be subject to disclosure upon request, but any information that could directly identify an individual would be redacted from the records to protect individual privacy.

The task force will ensure that data reflective of small groups is not released. This could include higher-level aggregation of data and limiting the number of demographic variables released. The UNH IRB and legal counsel will review all requests for data to ensure protection of participant privacy.

所有数据都存储在安全的服务器上, and only the principal investigators will have access to the raw data files. All members of the analytic team have undergone IRB (research with human subjects) training and have extensive research experience.

Privacy information and data use policy will be provided in the introduction to the survey, and respondents will continue to take the survey only when they consent to the conditions of the survey.

The Survey Center wants to be as inclusive as possible and provide the opportunity for all members of the UNH community to have their voices heard. The survey will be open to the population (all members of the UNH-based community) to avoid missing particular groups that may be underrepresented in the community.


问题? 我们很乐意帮忙.