Eating and Body Image

Eating disorders 和/或饮食紊乱或与饮食有关的行为损害个人的身体健康或社会心理功能. 饮食习惯的紊乱包括限制食物摄入, 制定并保持严格的节食规则, and having a preoccupation with food. 与体重控制有关的障碍可能包括过度运动, self-induced vomiting, or misusing laxatives or diuretics. 饮食失调在男性和女性中都可能发生.  


Anorexia Nervosa


Symptoms Include:

  • 食物摄入不足会导致体重显著下降
  • 对体重增加的强烈恐惧,对体型的痴迷,以及防止体重增加的持续行为
  • Disturbance in self-image
  • Denial of the seriousness of low body weight

Health consequences include:  Heart failure, osteoporosis, muscle loss, 长毛(全身毛发)

Bulimia Nervosa

暴饮暴食的以暴饮暴食的循环为主要特征,接着是补偿行为, such as self-induced vomiting, 试图抵消暴饮暴食的影响.

Symptoms Include:

  • 经常摄入大量食物并伴有对饮食行为失去控制的感觉
  • 使用不适当的代偿行为,如呕吐, laxative or diuretic abuse, fasting, and/or obsessive or compulsive exercise
  • Extreme concern with body weight and shape

Health consequences include:  Heart failure, gastric rupture, tooth decay, rupture of the esophagus, and pancreatitis

Binge Eating Disorder


Symptoms Include:

  • 在短时间内吃大量食物的频繁发作
  • Feeling out of control during the binge
  • 在暴食后感到羞耻、内疚和痛苦

Health consequences include:  Heart disease, type II diabetes melitus, gastric rupture, and gallbladder disease



Examples of OSFED include:

  • 非典型神经性厌食症(体重不低于正常值)
  • 神经性贪食症(行为较少)
  • 暴食症(发生率较低)
  • 排便障碍(排便不暴食)
  • 夜食综合症(夜间进食过多)


Treatment of Eating Disorders

  • 最有效的治疗通常包括某种形式的心理治疗或咨询,以及由训练有素的专业人员仔细关注医疗和营养需求.
  • 治疗是最有效的,当饮食失调的症状以及心理处理, biological, nutritional, interpersonal, 以及导致或维持这种障碍的文化因素.
  • 早期诊断和干预可显著促进康复.

If You Think You May Have an Eating Disorder

  • 在PACS预约与咨询师进行初步咨询-请注意,您可能会被转介到专门治疗饮食失调的校外提供者.
  • Schedule an appointment at Health & 和医生谈谈你的担忧.
  • 联系全国饮食失调协会帮助热线电话:(800)931-2237或在他们的 website.

Tips for Mindful Eating

Shift Out of Autopilot Eating
What did you have for breakfast? Be honest. 许多人每天都吃同样的东西. 注意你是否陷入了任何一种常规或例行公事.

Take Mindful Bites
你曾经吃完一整盘食物却一口都没尝过吗? Bring all of your senses to the dinner table. Breathe in the aroma of a fresh loaf of bread. Notice the texture of yogurt on your tongue. Truly taste your meal. Experience each bite from start to finish.

Attentive Eating
当然,你很忙,有很多事情要做.“很难把吃饭作为优先事项,而不是一个选择或次要任务. 如果你在做作业或学习时想吃零食, 停下来休息一下,这样你就可以把100%的注意力放在吃东西上. Try to avoid multitasking while you eat. When you eat, just eat.

Mindfully Check In
How hungry am I on a scale of one to ten? 测量你的饥饿程度有点像测量你的体温. 每次吃饭的时候,问问自己:“我身体饿了吗??“目标是吃到你满意,让自己既不饱也不饿.

Think Mindfully
观察自我批评的想法,比如“我不想获得新生十五分”,” or “I’m so stupid, how could I do that?” can creep into your consciousness. 仅仅因为你认为这些想法并不意味着你需要采取行动或让它们左右你的情绪. 消极的想法会引发暴饮暴食或阻止你充分满足饥饿感.

Mindful Speech
永利app新版本官网地址节食和体重的闲聊是如此常见,以至于我们常常没有意识到它可能对我们的自尊造成的影响. 当你和朋友或家人在一起时,注意你对“肥胖谈话”的本能反应.g., “I’m so fat!” or the “I’m so fat – No you’re not” debate). 记住这句话可能会影响到那些与食物问题作斗争的人.

Mindful Eating Support
Friends provide an enormous amount of support, 但通常从训练有素的专业人士那里获得帮助或第二意见是有帮助的. 如果你想了解更多永利app新版本官网地址正念饮食的知识, 或者如果你担心你的饮食习惯, call PACS, Health & Wellness, or consult the NEDA for information and treatment referrals.

Information adapted from National Eating Disorders Association.

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