
A student’s college experience can be much more enjoyable with involvement in social activities.

Human Beings Need Social Contact to Thrive

Students who may be struggling with shyness, 低自尊, 焦虑, and/or depression may find being social more difficult. However, avoiding social activities can lead to isolation and loneliness.  

Strategies for increasing my social connections:

  1. 催化剂 has daily, weekly, monthly happenings on campus. There are links on student resources/activities for all of UNH. Campus clubs can be a very comfortable way to get to know other students, while doing an activity you enjoy/want to learn. 
  2. Make a schedule to call a friend, or another student in one of your classes, or make an inquiry about a certain group/activity on campus. Put these calls into your agenda and check them off when you follow through. This will make you feel good and get you moving in a social direction.
  3. Initiate conversations with other students… in your dorm, in the dining hall, in classrooms.   Who might be interesting to talk to? 会见? 谁看起来很友好? Why not challenge yourself to ask a question, make a comment, or give a compliment to a new person? Maybe make a list of the current people in your life, 在类, 在宿舍里, who you see often at the dining hall or library or MUB and think “who might be open to conversation, 新朋友?” Ask your RA or HD about groups 在宿舍里 or activities 在宿舍里.
  4. Pick up the phone at least one time per day and call someone from your contact list. 进行对话.
  5. Utilize your positive self-talk to power you through the uncomfortable feelings that might happen: “I can do this”, “Why not check that place out?、“可能会很有趣。.”
  6. Get outside for any reason.  Go for a walk at college woods, 租一双雪地鞋, visit one of the dogs at Hamel Rec Center; head over to the MUB to see what’s going on, 在校园里看电影, grab a coffee at Dunkin' Donuts or Aroma Joe’s, take the bus to Portsmouth or Dover for music or an open mic night, check out Freedom Café’s entertainment like poetry slams/folk music night, 志愿者, take a trip up to the White Mountains and hike, 在市区租一辆自行车, go mountain biking at Doe Farm, 在春天, study outside on the library lawn. 很容易. 很有趣. It’s a way to get outside of your head and into the world. Maybe you’ll make a new connection.
  7. Make a pact to yourself to talk to at least 3 people/day. 和人聊天. 对陌生人微笑.  进行对话 with a stranger at the grocery store. Talk to the person behind you in line at the dining hall. Think about making a new connection.
  8. Make a list of your current interests… what you like to do for fun… what are your hobbies?  What have you always wanted to try? There are groups out there for others who have the same interests. 你是游戏玩家吗?? 你喜欢游戏之夜吗? 电影之夜? 跳舞? 你做什么运动? 你锻炼身体吗?? Or prefer walking outside? 你喜欢动物吗?? Want to help people or 志愿者? It is very easy to get socially connected around something you like to do.
    互联网网站, www.meetup.com,是一个很好的资源. 
  9. Join a faith community, if you are interested. Social connections within the structure of a church or temple can occur effortlessly.
  10. Volunteering can put you in touch with others who share your same interests. Maybe you’ll make a friend or two.  
  11. Exercise can be a way to connect with others and increase your energy. 去哈默尔娱乐中心. 参加校内的. Head over to drop-in yoga or meditation groups at 健康 and 健康. 
  12. 每天去图书馆. Even if you don’t have homework or papers to write, go. Check out their media area for movies. 留下来读一会儿书. Grab a coffee and check the news websites. Don’t just study in your dorm room.
  13. Initiate, initiate, initiate.  不要等着别人邀请. Challenge yourself to be courageous. Get out of your comfort zone. 克服恐惧. Invite someone out for coffee or to head to the dining hall. Ask someone new in your hall a question. 你可以做到的. 试试吧.
