Governing Documents

The Student Senate is governed by a series of documents that set out how the Student Senate and its subsidiary bodies carry out the mission of the body as a whole. The autonomy of the Student Senate and its right to self-governance is set out by USNH Board of Trustees的政策, Student Rights, 规则, and Responsibilities, and University precedent.

Student Senate Bylaws

The bylaws of the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire is the primary means by which the Student Senate governs itself, and includes sections on its structure, internal rules, the oversight of the Student Activity Fee, the approval of changes to the Student Rights, 规则, and Responsibilities (SRRR) and how the Student Senate goes about representing the undergraduate student body to the administration, local and state government, and the University System of New Hampshire (USNH).

Student Senate Bylaws

Student Senate Constitution

The Constitution of the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire is the highest governing document of the Student Senate, its subsidiary bodies, and all institutions under its jurisdiction. The authority of the Student Senate laid out in Article I is reaffirmed by the University Administration through USNH Board of Trustees policy, the Student Rights, 规则, and Responsibilities (SRRR), and historical precedent.

Student Senate Constitution

Student Senate Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics is a mutual agreement amongst all University of New Hampshire (UNH) Student Senate members and guests to the Student Senate chamber for expectations on behavior and conduct. It serves as a reminder that UNH Student Senate members are expected to abide by the Student Rights, 规则, and Responsibilities, alongside its own governing document, which behavior will be equitably enforced to protect the body from bringing itself into disrepute.

Student Senate Code of Ethics

Student Senate Standing Orders

The standing orders of the Student Senate are approved by the body at the start of each session and provide for common rules of order that are not found in Robert's 规则 of Order. The standing orders are meant to only apply to the Student Senate as the body-in-session and generally don't reach into matters of organization.

Student Senate Standing Orders

Student Activity Fee Committee Standing Operating Procedures

The SAFC Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are the primary governing document for the Student Activity Fee Committee and provide the details of SAFC's financial operations. It includes sections on SAFO asset management and non-SAFO allocations


Student Activity Fee Appeals Process

The Student Activity Fee (SAF) appeals process serves as the governing document for appealing a decision of the Student Activity Fee Committee or the Student Activity Fee Committee Executive board. These Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are established by the Judiciary Committee of the Student Senate, a committee of student senators that interpret the Student Senate governing documents and assess the validity of certain items under them. 

SAFC Appeals Process