
主要研究 PAWS兽医诊所接待处

主要研究 PAWS兽医诊所接待处

桑德拉·德默斯(Sandra Demers)在农场动物和猫的陪伴下长大, but she wasn’t sure she could afford a pet for her children until she learned about 主要研究’s 爪子兽医诊所. 2017年开业, the on-campus veterinary clinic provides people who receive government assistance with 负担得起的宠物健康检查, vaccines and testing, medications, dental care and basic surgeries like spays and neuters.

LeeAnna Demers用鼻子抚摸她的小猫Daisy.

多亏了诊所, 德默斯的两只新小猫都很健康,她心里很平静, and she’s able to afford the vaccinations and sterilization surgery that’s required by the housing community where she lives.

“The staff is very good about giving out information —what they’re doing and why they’re doing it — and they always call to follow-up and see how the cats are doing,德默斯说。. “他们不仅照顾猫的最大利益, 也是为了宠物主人的最大利益.”

同时也为低收入宠物主人提供了重要的服务, PAWS诊所是为学生提供的教学设施 汤普森应用科学学院 兽医技术专业. 根据 Dr. 莎拉·普洛克特, 兽医技术项目主管和诊所经理, 让学生做好与客户互动的准备是很重要的.

“我从各行各业的雇主那里都听到过, the number one thing they want is a tech who can graduate with the ability to talk to the clients,普洛克特说。. “If we want our students to be able to act professionally and earn a pet owner’s trust, 我们必须给他们练习的机会. It’s very different to learn something in a classroom than to work in a clinical setting with an animal and the owner who’s watching you. It’s one thing to say, ‘you do it this way,’ it’s a very different thing to go do it.”

这次经历似乎达到了普罗克特所希望的效果. CC迪金森, whose dog Teddy has been treated for an anxiety disorder and skin allergy at the clinic, 他说,任何聘用这些学生的公司都会热情欢迎他们.

“I leave the clinic with a huge smile knowing  my dog Teddy got the best care possible,狄金森说. “所有员工都对我很尊重, 关注, 总是和泰迪分享他们善良的心. 我真的很幸运能发现这个地方.”

在诊所开业的第一年, the staff has seen 94 patients and provided services and products with a commercial value of roughly $60,000只花了3美元,000美元给他们的客户.

"I leave the clinic with a huge smile knowing  my dog Teddy got the best care possible. 我真的很幸运能发现这个地方."

客户主要来自萨默斯沃思和多佛的住房社区, 但据诊所副经理维姬·索莱茨基说, 持牌兽医技师/注册兽医技师, they’d like to reach more Granite Staters who qualify for low-cost pet care and therefore make it possible for more people to experience the joys of pet ownership.

“The cost of routine veterinary care has increased dramatically over the past decade,” said Soletsky. “In my opinion, this is detrimental to pet health, especially to those in low-income households. Our goal at the 主要研究 PAWS Clinic is to bring veterinary wellness services to families who have to make difficult choices about household expenses every day.”

Supporting increased opportunities for pet ownership does more than provide homes for animals. 根据美国疾病控制与预防中心的数据, 研究表明,宠物可以增进健康, 降低压力, 降低血压, 胆固醇水平, 甘油三酯水平和主人的孤独感. Research also suggests that children’s exposure to companion animals can ease anxiety.

她最后一次去诊所的时候, 德默斯和她两岁的女儿莉安娜带着黛西一起来了, 这是家里新生的两只小猫中的一只. 黛西将在两周后回来做绝育手术, 但是现在, Soletsky, 谁也是兽医技术项目的教员, and a small team of students were checking the kitten to make sure she was healthy and thriving.

检查后, 德默斯问女儿是否想抱抱黛西, and the toddler eagerly scooped up the kitten and gathered her to her chest like a doll.


“Fanks,” LeeAnna called with a smile as she headed down the ramp to the door.