
詹妮弗·格里菲思 was barely twenty when her first work experiences inspired questions about equity that desperately needed answering. Why was there such a disconnect between employees and management in the American workplace? What actually motivates people to work well and stay in their jobs? How do we fix things like the gender wage gap?  

Griffith didn't realize at the time that she would make her own career pursuing answers to those questions and contributing extensive, influential 研究 to better understanding how to make workplaces more equitable for all.  Or that she would pass on her insights to undergraduate and graduate students at universities across the country, 并在许多岗位上担任指导工作, 进行, and implementing 研究-driven interventions both at the University of New Hampshire and for government and private sector companies, most recently in the fields of sexual harassment prevention and Diversity, 股本, 与包容(DEI).  

For these prodigious accomplishments in the areas of teaching, 研究, 和服务, Griffith was recently awarded the 2021 University of New Hampshire’s 杰出助理教授奖

“这是香蕉,”格里菲斯说. “When Dean Merrill-Sands called to tell me I had won I was very confused. We have so many amazing assistant professors at this university, so this is an incredible honor. I am very humbled by it, but also happy to win some recognition for people who work in DEI. I feel so privileged to have a job I love and work that I’m passionate about.” 

格里菲斯并不总是想成为一名教师. 事实上, in her early graduate school days she was “adamant” that she wanted to work at a 研究 consulting firm. But after working alongside undergraduates for 研究 projects and enjoying their input, 她决定试一试. 格里菲斯的第一份教学工作, 统计学课, 让她知道她有耐心做这份工作, and further classes concerning 领导 helped her fall in love with 这个职业. 

“Working on projects with my students was really exciting for me. Watching them go through the process of reflecting on themselves as leaders - outside of outdated notions of what “领导” looks like, and unlocking their potential in ways that were meaningful to them. I think it’s the most important part of being an educator,”她说。. 

Griffith is a dedicated and 创新 teacher who receives consistently high student evaluations describing her as inspiring, 创新, 和有同情心. 她是……的积极贡献者 Paul College’s Diversity, 股本, and Inclusion working group, and recently engaged an exhaustive overview of the college’s course syllabi for DEI topics. Griffith also helped lead the design of a workshop for the college’s First-Year Innovation and Research Experience (FIRE)节目, implementing panel discussions with students from underrepresented groups to start important conversations earlier in their education.   

“This is one of my favorite things to work on, for service. It ties into my teaching and 研究 passions, and it’s a practical way to influence the place I actually work,”她说。. “I think it’s important to get involved in ways that make a meaningful difference not just to you but to people who don’t usually have a voice in the conversation either because it puts them at risk now or they’ve been silenced in the past.” 

在研究生教育阶段, Griffith worked with colleagues to redesign the MBA core course in organizational behavior. She also has been a leader in strengthening attention to Human Resources and the use of data to make people-oriented decisions in the workplace within the management option. 

Griffith has published 27 peer-reviewed studies, half in the top journals in her field and the remainder in a variety of specialized “niche” journals. 她的学术贡献超过1,600年引用, and her work also is frequently cited in media outlets such as Forbes, 快速公司, 和《永利app新版本官网地址》, 等. 她目前是 ForbesWomen, the arm of Forbes that focuses on women, gender equity, and 领导. Her work focuses on the ways that gender impacts decision making, 领导, 进步, 以及工作场所的协作. 

“Jennifer is one of the strongest and most dedicated faculty members at Paul College. She has consistently performed at levels that exceed our expectations for assistant professors,” Paul College Dean Deborah Merrill-Sands said. “We are very fortunate to have her as a member of our community.”

Outstanding faculty awards are prestigious university achievements granted to professors whose accomplishments in the areas of teaching, 研究, 和服务 are prodigious and of the highest quality. 如奖项说明所述, “他或她是一个鼓舞人心的人, 具有挑战性的, 有效的老师, whose concern and respect for students is evident both in and out of the classroom. Such a faculty member makes important and extensive contributions to his or her chosen field and shares those contributions with peers through publication or other appropriate means. 最后, the ideal faculty member willingly and effectively devotes time and energy in useful service to the university, 这个职业, 国家.” 

杰里米Gasowski | 主要研究营销 | 杰里米.gasowski@femdomcenter.com | 603-862-4465