迈克尔Kukenberger and researchers aim to gain deeper insights into changes in group membership


无论是一个高度协作的员工, 运动员:运动队的队员或军队中的职位, 团队成员的变化是不可避免的. 但是,这些变化的最终影响是什么? 

研究 at the University of New Hampshire is focused on answering this question by gaining a deeper understanding of the ever-changing nature of teams and their compositions.  

迈克尔Kukenberger主要研究组织行为学副教授彼得T. 保罗经济与商业学院, is leading a research project funded by a $1.美国政府拨款7700万美元.S. 陆军行为与社会科学研究所(ARI). This project aims to explore the impact of team membership changes on overall team dynamics to enhance performance and support the Army's mission through optimized member rotation strategies. 

Kukenberger正在与Lauren D 'Innocenzo合作, 德雷塞尔大学组织行为学副教授, 戴尔·沃森, an assistant teaching professor at Pennsylvania State Harrisburg and retired U.S. 陆军上校,还有德雷克塞尔大学和永利app新版本官网地址的学生.  

“团队是大多数组织的基本组成部分. Most of the existing literature and practices tend to view them through a static lens, 经常低估团队成员转变的深远影响,库肯伯格说. "In the dynamic environment of the military, frequent team member turnover is a prevailing reality. This grant allows us to enhance our comprehension of the repercussions of these transitions and to explore strategies for mitigating adverse effects while maximizing the associated advantages." 

在一个为期三年的项目中, 有可能再多签两年, the researchers will perform controlled behavioral lab experiments with students at their respective institutions and engage in field research with corporate work teams. 

当组织的团队成员发生变化时,库肯伯格解释道, ,他们可以很容易地确定正式的角色和职位, 让他们预测得到和失去的东西. However, what remains elusive is the impact on both formal and informal connections. Picture a scenario where an informal leader – the primary source of advice or a highly trusted member – departs the team. 谁来扮演这些角色? 多个成员、新成员或是否存在一个void? 既存的关系动态如何影响这种转变? 网络连接创造了复杂的结构, and what we still don’t understand is how these structures evolve when one or multiple members depart, 新的加入." 

Kukenberger points out that while it's common to consider replacing an experienced individual with another experienced individual, it's frequently disregarded how other team members might lose someone they trusted and relied upon for guidance. 

However, this only scratches the surface of potential implications, according to Kukenberger.  

这项研究还将考察人口结构变化的动态. 例如, a team of five containing three men and two women could be impacted if a woman left and was replaced by a man because altering any demographic can potentially decrease or exacerbate biases or stereotypes due to changes in representation, Kukenberger解释说.  

“个人跳槽或离开团队会产生多种后果. Our objective is to develop a more profound comprehension of these ramifications and their influence on team processes and performance,他说.

最终, 库肯伯格说他, D’Innocenzo and Watson believe that uncovering new considerations in managing team composition changes could benefit the U.S. 军队队伍和组织, 允许更有目的的方法来促进学习, 绩效和团队准备.

杰里米Gasowski | 主要研究营销 | 杰里米.gasowski@femdomcenter.com | 603-862-4465
团队正在取代等级制度, and shared leadership is emerging as the key driver in many teams’ success.